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This is My Little Website! Its UNDER SOME SERIOUS CONSTRUCTION (probly never get around to finishing it, but you never know)

Select A Category! (Or Don't, and gawk at the blinking screen for a while):

RIFTS® This is a Post-Apocolyptic RPG Game by Palladium Books Inc.

QUOTES Eventually, I Hope to Categorize Some of My Favorite Quotes Here.

WRITING : Stuff I Wrote.

BOOKS These Are Some Of My Favorite Books. (Someday, I Even Might Get Around To Writing A Summary Of What Their About -or at least categorize them- But Don't Count On It.

LINKS : Links To Other Websites Made By People With a Lot of Time on Their Hands (Like ME!).

Hello There!! Welcome to My Website. Prepare to Be Bored Silly!! And Be Warned, This Is My First Attempt At WebBuilding, So Expect It To Be Buggy and Somewhat Plain!

In Case You Really Want To Know, Are REAL Bored, Or Looking For A New And Not At All Interesting Person To Stalk: Here's A Little About Me

For More Quotes Visit My Quote Section!

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Send All Hatemail To: narchcat@hotmail.com

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