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Some basic info... nothing too exciting :)

*NaMe* Dominique
*BiRtHdAy* June 23rd, 1984
*AgE* ...18...
*NaTiOnALiTy* 100% Vietnamese
*SiBLiNgS* two younger brothers... Kevin (14) and Kyle (12), i guess they're pretty cool... all my friends seem to love 'em!
*HoBBiEs* singing, modeling, pageantry, playing the piano, playing soccer and tennis, swimming... just chillin is good too... hehe!

Some of my FAVORITES
*CoLorS* blue, silver... i actually like a lot of colors but i won't bother listing them
*FoOd* i love italian food! yummy!
*TyPe of MuSiC* pop, r&b, rap... stuff like that
*MuSiC GrOuP* there's A LOT... i LOVE music... 50 cent, Usher, B2K, 112, Lil bow wow, Jagged Edge, Nelly, Lil romeo...
*ThInG To Do* wow... i like doing a lot of things! umm... singing (always puts me in a good mood!)... just chilling/relaxing

*MaIn PaGe**PiCtUrEs**ShOuT OuTs*