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Sensor Jammer Pack

When activated, this pack projects a field of approximately 20m radius and hides ALL players within the field from all MECHANICAL observation (cameras, pulse AND motion sensors).

Cloaking Pack

When not activated, this pack jams sensors so the wearer is invisible to pulse sensors. When activated, it also makes the user invisible to visual detection (cameras, other players). It has no effect on motion sensors.

Energy Pack

Increases the rate of energy regeneration, thereby increasing jet mobility and use of weapons that draw off the energy cell.

Repair Pack

When triggered, the Repair Pack gradually restores an item or player to full integrity.

Ammo Pack

Increases your armor's ammo capacity for all limited ammunition weapons.

Shield Pack

When activated, this pack provides the warrior with complete protection from damage in any form. This protection only lasts as long as energy is available.

Landspike Turret

This turret cannot be placed on rocks or any artificial structure, but must be deployed on level terrain.

Spider Clamp Turret

This turret can be placed on any building surface or rock, but not on terrain.

Remote Inventory Station

Only assault and juggernaut armors can carry this smaller version of a base inventory pad. Teammates may obtain any inventory from this station except armors or another Remote Inventory Station.

Remote Motion Sensor

This item detects movement within a limited range. A Remote Motion Sensor can be jammed or fooled by a stealthy warrior who moves slowly enough.

Base Turret Barrel

This pack enables a warrior to change out the barrels on a base turret to customize his base defenses. Each barrel type constitutes a different pack. Only assault and juggernaut armors can carry it.

Remote Pulse Sensor

Using an advanced form of radar, the Remote Pulse Sensor feeds data into the team's sensor net like the larger Base Sensors.

Remote Detonation Satchel Pack

After deploying this powerful explosive, the user may detonate it at any time.

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