This is a personal site and space. As such all thoughts, opinions, likes, dislikes and so on expressed are just that personal. You are not expected to agree with them, like them or me for that matter however if you don't I do expect that you act like a grown up and respond constructively if you feel you simply must.

Do keep in mind that I am just a human being and what you read is simply one moment in time, captured thoughts and feelings whether right or wrong (obviously subjective) which in no way give a complete picture of this particular soul and if you happen to actually know me and find that I have written about you in a non too shining light chances are that right at that moment... you might have deserved it ;)

In short, this is a place that I have called my own since June 2001 and I write in it for me most of all and for the thoughts and opinions of those who come across it who may understand what I have put down on any particular day. It doesn't claim to be entertaining, I'm sure sometimes it may be downright boring because, well, it's honest and just life *shrugs*