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"I Got Your Back"

I am a small and precious child, my dads been sent to fight..
The only place I'll see his face, is in my dreams at night.
He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track.
I may be sad, but I am proud. My daddys got your back.

I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war.
My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before.
Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black.
I may be scared, but I am proud.
My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife, with a husband soon to go.
There are times I'm terrified in a way most never know.
I bite my lip, and force a smile as I watch my husband pack..
My heart may break, but I am proud.
My husbands got your back..

I am a soldier...Serving Proudly, standing tall.
I fight for freedom, yours and mine, by answering this call.
I do my job while knowing the thanks it sometimes lacks.
Say a prayer that I'll come home.
It's me who's got your back.

I just want to say God Bless America and Our Troops! And, that I am posting a link that if you want to you can Adopt Our Troops in Prayer. It's a really neat thing to do, plus, you get to be on the Presidential prayer team! =O) It's simple and easy and doesn't take a few seconds to do! GOD BLESS OUR SOLDIERS AND OUR COUNTRY!!!

-.*.Sheena xoxo.*.

.*.Just Some Junk.*.

* '01 Prom Pic's*
*More '01 pic's*
*SENIOR Pics...'02*
*Get to know ME*
*Special People*

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