<bGSOUND SRC="ctending.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> Clan 2D
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Clan 2D-Guest

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Posted Friday July 1, 2001 by 2D-Draiko--- 2D-Kaio
Welcome to Clan 2D The Best Clan On The B.Net.
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Saturday September 9, 2006 By `2D-Kaio
Attention Clan 2D Members! Can everyone please take a second to give yourselves a round of applause. Your hard work, never ending thoughts and dedication to this clan has brought our clans out of the ruins. I apologize for not posting this message earlier, as we have not been disbanded for the past few years.

Should I take the time to list all your hard work, I would not be able to stop typing. Instead, I will suggest you visit our Clan Forum for additional information regarding our clan.

Sunday November 11, 2001 By `2D-Kaio
As of a few days ago, Walt and Dizzy came up with a new idea. They have decided to start teams within 2D. So far there are a few new name changes. `2D-Dizzy is now 2D-Zeus, 2D-Warlord is now 2D-Apollo, and `2D-Walt has become 2D-Hades. More information on the teams will be given at the clan meeting on Wednesday.

Tuesday December27, 2001 By `2D-Kaio
Tomorrow is the meeting once again, I have given permission for `2D-Dizzy to control what goes on during the meeting, I won't be their because of a basketball event that I am required to go to, but please allow Dizzy to control what goes on and give him the proper respect that he deserves.
Sunday December 28, 2001 By `2D-Kaio
Lastnight, `2D-Dizzy Disbanned Clan 2D. Any Questions or concerns pleae e-mail either myself, or `2D-Dizzy.
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