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You Have Never Left
(Playing ~ "We'll Meet Again") 


The day comes in gray and damp but promising --

A certain kind of hope this day brings with it,

A hope that today we will meet again.

I open the door, breathe the air ... gently I close the door
 but never on you.

Even though I look for you, in my heart I know the truth.

You are with me as I enjoy a gray, damp, promising day.

Your voice is within me, your smile is forever in my mind.

I ask: How could we meet again when you have never left?


~ Wanda Saylor Palmer, author
© 2003

My thanks to my good friend, Wanda, for permission to use her poem
which I find to be poignant and beautiful.



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Copyright © 2000-2004 Carolyn Springer Harding
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