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Wistful Valentine
(Playing ~ "What'll I Do?")


~ Norman Rockwell


The surest way to petrify a human heart is to awaken feelings
and give it nothing to do.
~ Chivers

What'll I Do?
(words to music playing)

What'll I do when you are far away and I am blue,
What'll I do?
What'll I do when I am wond'ring who is kissing you,
What'll I do?

What'll I do with just a photograph to tell my troubles to?
When I'm alone with only dreams of you that can't come true,
What'll I do?

~ Words and Music by Irving Berlin

Sonnet IX ..... Last Poems

Well, seeing I have no hope, then let us part;
Having long taught my flesh to master fear,
I should have learned by now to rule my heart ~
Although, Heaven knows, 'tis not so easy, dear,

Ah, you were made to make girls miserable
And torture those who would have joy in you ~
But I, who could have loved you, dear, so well
Take pride in being a good loser, too;

And it has not been wholly without success
For I have rescued from forgetfulness
Some moments of this precious time that flies ~
Adding to my past wealth of memory
The sweet way you once looked down at me ~
Your low, sweet voice, your smile and your dear eyes.

~ Alan Seeger,

I Loved You Once

I loved you once with all my heart when life was young and sweet,
And in that time of happiness I worshippped at your feet.

I wanted you in every thought and every dream I had,
And when I saw you smile at me I never could be sad.

But circumstances turned about and as I often feared,
The clouds all came together and the sunshine disappeared.

I gazed into your eyes but there was nothing more to say,
And so we silently shook hands and then you went away.

I loved you once with all my heart, and in that time I knew
Whatever else my life might hold I would remember you.

~ James Metcalfe, "Portraits"
(When I was very young, his poems appeared daily in our newspaper.)

It's all over but the memories.
It's all over but the tears.
Your face before my side;
Your kiss will haunt me through the night.

It's all over but the empty years.
What more can I look forward to?
It's all over but the memories
Of you ~ just you !

~ author unknown

Once In a While

Once in a while won't you try to give one little thought to me,
Though someone else may be nearer your heart.
Once in a while won't you dream of the moments I shared with you,
Moments before we two drifted apart.

In love's smoldering ember one spark may remain.
If love still can remember the spark may burn again.
I know that I'll be contented with yesterday's memories,
Knowing you think of me once in a while.

~ Words and Music by
Michael Edwards and Bud Green

It's No Sin

Take away the breath of flowers,
It would surely be a sin.
Take the rain from April showers,
It's a sin.
Take away the violins, dear,
From a lovely symphony,
And the music deep within
Would cease to be.

Is it a sin
To love you so?
To hold you close
And know you are leaving?
Though you take away my heart, dear,
Still the beating there within,
I'll keep loving you forever
For it's no sin.

~ an old song recorded "way back when" by Eddie Howard
~ music by George Hoven; lyrics by C. R. Shull

" ...... Great pain brings numbness, but Time heals the deepest cuts.
The edges stay tender, the old wounds bleed and the scars remain.
But, in spite of all, the numbness and the pain give way in time
to the healing forces of nature."

~ from The Soul of Ann Rutledge by Bernie Babcock



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