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What Is Dying ?
(Playing ~ "Alleluia")


I went to the airport this morning and saw a big
beautiful airplane sail in and land.

In above five minutes this large object of power and
strength left the ground again.

It climbed upward, ever upward, into the vast
beautiful blue ocean of sky.

Finally it leveled off and headed into the sun.

As it went between the high jagged mountains
below and the blue sky above, it became a speck,
and then it was out of sight.

Someone said,


"She's gone."


I thought, gone, yes, but where?

She had gone from my sight; that's true,
but, she was just as big, just as beautiful,
and just as strong and able to carry her load
as when she left my side.

Her diminished size was in me, not in her,
and just as someone by my side said,

"She's gone,"

someone over that high barrier of mountains
saw her coming and shouted,


"Here she comes!"







~ by Wert Campbell
Eleventh Grade
Printed in the Central High School
(Chattanooga, Tennessee)
ECHOES, 1946-47
© 2000 by the author


The Foreward reads: "As judged by the majority of the English Department, consisting of fifteen members,
this volume represents the best creative work of the pupils, submitted during the year 1946-47."


Thanks to my good friend, Wert, a former college classmate, for permission to use his insightful essay.


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