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See Here, Young Lady
(Playing ~ "Forgotten Dreams")

She doesn't like my figure or the
powder shade I wear
She disapproves my posture and
the way I do my hair.
She finds my voice displeasing and
my humor "off the beam."
No one could ever be the mess
my daughter makes me seem,
Not that she's ever rude, dear no;
she simply oozes tact
In pointing out the virtues and
the graces that I lack.


"Jenny's mother has a figure that is
simply too divine."
(And her eyes will wander sadly o'er
this forty-four of mine.)
"Dottie's mother takes us bowling,
she can roll two hundred ten !"
And ~ "Mother, please don't tell me
that you're wearing brown again."
"Jill's mother's suit is orchid, but,
of course, her skin is fair."
Then shyly, "Darling, have you thought
of touching up your hair?"


I know it's really funny, and I've
no cause to be hurt.
But sometimes it's a trifle thick,
and that is when I blurt:
"Now, listen here, young lady,
I'm no beauty, I agree,
But this is what God gave me,
and it's good enough for me."
She retires in hurt silence,
and I am left to muse
That I, a score of years ago
was standing in her shoes.


I blush now to remember
the convictions that I carried
Concerning the shortcomings
in the woman Father married.
Oh, age will bring her wisdom,
so I keep my tongue in cheek,
For the spirit may be willing,
but the flesh is very weak.
I can't measure to her standards,
but I'm waiting hopefully
For the day her daughter looks at her
the way she looks at me !

~ Toni Moran

This delightful poem was aired on the old Don McNeill radio program,
the Breakfast Club, about 1948.



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