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My Cup a'Runneth Over, O My Soul
(Playing ~ "The Pastoral Symphony" from Handel's "Messiah")


My cup a'runneth over, the blessings overflow !
My cup a'runneth over, O my soul !
Because the Lord's my Shepherd
I've everything I need.
He lets me rest in meadow grass
Beside the quiet stream.

He restores my soul, my failing health;
I want to honor Him.
My cup a'runneth over, O my soul !


Though I go through the veil of death,
I cannot be afraid.

For He is close beside me there,
Guiding all the way.
The table that's provided me
Makes me a welcome guest.
My cup a 'runneth over, O my soul !


  His goodness and unfailing love
Are with me all my days.
The love of God will follow me
In all eternal ways.

My dwelling place forevermore
Will be the house of my Lord.

My cup a'runneth over, O my soul !

~ by Hilna Watters Long
© 2001


These lyrics are used with the permission of the author/composer,
who requests that her work not be copied. Thank you for honoring this.
Hilna also has written the music for these lyrics.

Thank you, Hilna, for giving me permission to use your peaceful
and sensitive lyrics.


Please visit the web site of the artist for this background.


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