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God Hath Provided a Lamb

"God Hath Provided a Lamb"
(words to song playing)
Based on Genesis 22

Sing Allehuia! God hath provided the Lamb;
O sing alleluia! God hath provided the Lamb.  
Sarah was barren, but God promised Abraham:
"Lo, I will give you a son.

Your seed shall be as the sands of the sea;
through you I will bless ev'ryone."

Then God spoke to Abraham:
"Take thy son, Isaac; go into the mountains above.

There on the altar of sacrifice lay him;
give Me the child of thy love."  

Upon the mountain to the place of the sacrifice,
slowly they walked hand in hand.

To lay on the altar the promise of Israel,
obeying God's command.

But there in the wilderness, lo, a voice thundered;
God spoke to His servant again:
"Take not the life of thine only son, Isaac,

For God hath provided the Lamb."  

Weary and wandering down through the ages,
oppressed and afflicted within;
No more the sacrifice given by man
could atone for the evil of sin.

God sent His only Son Jesus, Messiah,
to die on the altar of man.
Once and for all the atonement was made,

and God hath provided the Lamb.  
God hath provided the Lamb!

~ words and music by Linda Almond  

God Had Provided A Lamb

 A test of one's faith is hard to endure,
But Abraham's faith was so strong,
God said to offer his greatest love,
Sweet child of promise ~~ his son.
God has provided a lamb.

Don't bring down your knife, Abraham,
So thankful you'll be, your son can go free,
Your God has provided a lamb.

We all have sinned; the debt must be paid.
God wilt that justice be done, but He granted pardon,
Through one day alone,
Sweet Child of promise ~ His Son.
God has provided a Lamb.

And, oh, how unworthy I am, He could not go free,
He died for you and for me,
My God has provided a Lamb.

I should have died,
He was crucified,
My God has provided a Lamb.

~ by Rodney Griffin


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