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The Girl Of My Dreams
  (Playing ~ "Girl of My Dreams")  


E ven life did not seen right

U ntil I met you one day.

L ove it was at first sight,

A nd still is what I say.



V ery few I have ever met

I would have to be mine,

R eally I believe my mind's set.

G ot to be only as thine.

I f your heart is as yet

N othing else it can entwine,

I  will see that I get,

A nd never more I will pine.



S urely God knows that I love,

P erhaps He alone can understand,

I t's love that comes from above,

V ery innumerable as the sand.

E ven as that of a dove,

Y earning forever for her hand.

Acrostic composed by David Benjamin Springer, Sr.
for Eula Virginia Spivey,
Sometime before their marriage on January 21, 1927,
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Mother and Daddy ~ 1965

~ their children ~

Carolyn June (Springer) Harding

Patricia Ann (Springer) McDaniel

David Benjamin Springer, Jr.

   It warms my heart to think of my father,
sometime before 1927,
as a young fellow smitten by love as he composed this
for his future wife, and our mother.
(I have his original copy of this composition.)

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Acrostic ~ "The Girl of My Dreams" Copyright©
Carolyn Springer Harding, All Rights Reserved