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Chattanooga High School
50th Reunion, Class of 1946
July 12-13, 1996

(Playing ~ "In the Mood")


The 50th reunion of the Class of 1946 was celebrated the weekend of July 12-13, 1996.
There were 120 classmates and spouses in attendance.

We began our weekend of festivities on Friday evening with a cocktail buffet on the "party barge"
on the Tennessee River at Ross' Landing. It was a great time of fellowship, renewing friendships and
hearing the wonderful old music of "our day."

Signal Mountain Golf and Country Club was the setting for Saturday's brunch at which time our group picture was made.
Various classmates had brought memorabilia which was displayed and enjoyed. An interesting topic
of conversation was the vest worn by Celeste with pictures from our annual (picture below).

A beautiful social hour and dinner on Saturday evening at the Chattanooga Golf and Country Club
rounded out the weekend of enjoyable get-togethers. Blair Trewhitt served as emcee for the evening's program
which included comments, both planned and impromptu, by several classmates !

All weekend a roving cameraman shot footage to make a video of our 50th for anyone who cared to purchase a copy.
It is a special and entertaining memento.


President Bill Clift and wife Melba


The reunion committee ~ Tilda Caldwell Wall, Arch Trimble, Charlotte Chamberlain Crevasse and Bill Clift


The group picture at the reunion ~ taken at our Saturday brunch at the Signal Mountain Golf and Country Club


first row ~
Charlotte Chamberlain Crevasse, Lou Doughty Webb, Connally Smith Rogers, Tilda Caldwell Wall,
Carolyn Hallmark Caulkins, Bob Templeton
second row ~
Jane Cunningham Browning, Jean Cunningham Sterchi, Carolyn Springer Harding,
Blair Trewhitt, Jack Van Hooser
third row ~
Arch Trimble, Jack Guthrie , Jimmy Forrester, Bob Lees, Bill Clift

(This pic appeared in the Chattanooga Free Press.)


Celeste Martin Rast
~ wearing her unique vest with pictures from our annual ~


Jane Cunningham Browning, Lou Doughty Webb and Jean Cunningham Sterchi


Carolyn Springer Harding and Evelyn Bryant Campbell


Dot Free Thurmond and Carolyn Hallmark Caulkins


Winkie and Jack Persinger, Virginia Hicks Everett and Joe and Pat Persinger


Jimmy Slaughter, Alvin Kinsey, Jimmy Forrester and wife Ann


For a 50th Class Reunion

It was my class reunion
And all through the house
I checked in each mirror
and begged my poor spouse
to say I looked great;
that my chin wasn't double,
and he lied through his false teeth
just to stay out of trouble.

Said 'neath my thick glasses
my eyes hadn't changed,
and I had the same figure
"just a mite rearranged."
He said my skin was still silky,
although looser in drape;
not so much like silk satin,
but more like silk crepe.

I swallowed his words
"hook, sinker and line,"
and entered the banquet hall
feeling just fine.
Somehow I expected
my classmates to stay
as young as they were
on that long ago day.

We'd hugged farewell hugs
but, like me, through the years
they'd added gray to their hair
and pounds to their rears.
But we shared a few memories
and retold some class jokes.

We were seventeen in spirit,
though we looked like our folks.
We turned up our hearing aids
and dimmed down the lights;
rolled back fifty years,
and were young for the night.

~author unknown



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