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Healthy Eating

Visit the BPhoenix Eating Disorders Message Board.

Fad diets typically lead to short-term weight loss, but they can have long-term negative effects on your health. These diets, as well as being an unhealthy way of eating, can also trigger more serious problems such as Anorexia and Bulimia. Rather than focusing on losing weight quickly, concentrate on losing weight gradually by following a healthy diet and exercise program. If you take this approach, you'll have a better chance of keeping the weight off permanently.

There is simply no possible way to melt your fat away overnight, and everyone has different nutritional needs and physical limitations. Individuals who work out heavily have different caloric and nutritional requirements than those who are more sedentary. Those with certain health problems should be careful to stay away from certain diets and supplements. It is important to exercise regularly, and gradually introduce healthier habits as a part of your lifestyle.

Consult with your doctor or dietitian to develop a healthy eating plan that is right for you and your lifestyle. And remember to always remain realistic. If you get sidetracked for a couple days, just get back into your diet and fitness routine as quickly as possible. Don't expect to lose weight rapidly - the slower you lose the weight, the more likely you are to keep it off.


Tips for Healthy Eating:

Eat a variety of foods from all the food groups

Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables

Stay realistic, don't expect overnight results

Eat moderate portions, reducing the amount you eat is more effective than eliminating foods

Eat regularly and more often in smaller amounts

Drink plenty of fluids, especially water

Get moving, even small amounts of exercise is better than nothing

Make changes gradually to be certain they will stick

There are no "good" or "bad" foods

Consider keeping a diet journal:

   - At what times did you eat?
   - What were your portion sizes?
   - Total calories eaten (or grams of fat or carbs)?
   - How did you feel once you were finished eating? Satisfied, guilty or healthy?
   - What mood were you in while eating?
   - What were you doing while eating?
   - Who were you with?
   - Is there anything you'd like to improve on in the future?


Advice from Site Visitors:

If you feel like snacking between meals, go for a short walk instead. It will distract you and help you burn calories instead of gain them.

If you get the munchies at bedtime, don't give in. Once you are comfy in bed the desire won't seem as strong.

Everytime I want to reach for the chips I drink a full glass of water very quickly. Then, if I still think I need the chips, at least I know I won't have room for many.

When I feel like bingeing I chew some sugar-free gun instead. I might have to chew a whole pack before I am satisfied, one stick after another, but at least it keeps me out of the fridge.


Have a great tip you want to share? Email me and I will include it on this page.

All information contained in this web site is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.
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This Site Updated 04/09/11