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Personality Disorders:

Distancing : Avoidant Personality Disorder

Kantor focuses on a misunderstood but common condition that brings severe and pervasive anxiety about social contacts and relationships. He offers psychotherapists a specific method for helping avoidants overcome their fear of closeness and commitments, and offers a guide for avoidants themselves to use for developing lasting, intimate, anxiety-free relationships.

The Destructive Narcissistic Pattern

Writing for both mental health professionals and those outside the field who want to better understand destructive narcissism, Brown focuses on developing awareness of destructive narcissism. She provides techniques that help lessen the impact of others' destructive narcissism and examines behavioral manifestations and processes for effecting changes in one's own behavior.

Why Is It Always About You?

The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism: Whether the narcissist in question is a coworker, spouse, parent, or child, Why Is It Always About You? provides abundant practical advice for anyone struggling to break narcissism's insidious spread to the next generation, and for anyone who encounters narcissists in everyday life.

Stop Walking on Eggshells

Stop Walking on Eggshells; Coping When Someone You Care about Has Borderline Personality Disorder.
This book is not only a must-have for significant others of borderline personalities, but for borderlines themselves. A great book for finding information, insight, and support.

Bad Boys, Bad Men

Bad Boys, Bad Men examines antisocial personality disorder or ASP, the mysterious mental condition that underlies this lifelong penchant for bad behavior. Psychiatrist and researcher Donald W. Black, MD, draws on case studies, scientific data, and current events to explore antisocial behavior and to chart the history, nature, and treatment of a misunderstood disorder that affects up to seven million Americans. Citing new evidence from genetics and neuroscience, Black argues that this condition is tied to biological causes and that some people are simply born bad.

Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us

Presenting a compelling portrait of these dangerous men and women based on 25 years of distinguished scientific research, Dr. Robert D. Hare vividly describes a world of con artists, hustlers, rapists, and other predators who charm, lie, and manipulate their way through life. Are psychopaths mad, or simply bad? How can they be recognized? And how can we protect ourselves? This book provides solid information and surprising insights for anyone seeking to understand this devastating condition.

Lost in the Mirror: An Inside Look at Borderline Personality Disorder

Lost in the Mirror peers into a black and white world of extreme emotions and turbulent relationships. The inhabitants of this world experience their lives from moment to moment, grasping for shreds of identity to connect each fragment of experience to the next. Because they have little awareness of the texture and flow of human emotions, painful emotions, such as loneliness and fear, may seem endless and intolerable. Their need to escape this pain leads to desperate, impulsive, and frequently self-defeating behaviors.


How to use Perfectionism to Your Advantage Without Letting it Ruin Your Life.
In Never Good Enough Dr. Basco helps you understand why you feel driven to get things "just right" and shows you how to make the best of your perfectionism. Filled with practical advice, encouragement, and strategies for self-discovery, this invaluable guide includes Dr. Basco's own thirty-question self-test that will help you recognize and manage the negative side of your perfectionism. You will learn how to stop the struggle with yourself and others, how to evaluate your worth and performance in life, and how to replace the pursuit of perfection with peace of mind.

Emotional Vampires: Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry

Emotional Vampires tells readers how to spot a vampire in their lives, which defense strategies to employ to prevent one from striking, and what to do if and when they find themselves under attack.

Understanding the Borderline Mother

Some readers may recognize their mothers as well as themselves in this book. They will also find specific suggestions for creating healthier relationships. Addressing the adult children of borderlines and the therapists who work with them, Dr. Lawson shows how to care for the waif without rescuing her, to attend to the hermit without feeding her fear, to love the queen without becoming her subject, and to live with the witch without becoming her victim.

Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited

When the personality is rigid to the point of being unable to change in reaction to changing circumstances - we say that it is disordered. Such a person takes behavioral, emotional, and cognitive cues exclusively from others. His inner world is, so to speak, vacated. His True Self is dilapidated and dysfunctional. Instead he has a tyrannical and delusional False Self. Such a person is incapable of loving and of living. He cannot love others because he cannot love himself. He loves his reflection, his surrogate self. And he is incapable of living because life is a struggle towards, a striving, a drive at something. In other words: life is change. He who cannot change cannot live.

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