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Manic periods can be variable in duration and intensity, and are usually followed by severe depression, sometimes referred to as "crashing". It is often difficult for people to view mania as an illness. Unlike depression, where the patient usually looks miserable and functions poorly, a person in a manic state may feel excessively good and "on top of the world".

Mania can be thought of as the opposite of depression in every way. There is a conviction of power and superhuman ability. Those in the middle of a manic episode may have limitless energy and interest in life. They may feel that they are enjoying life more than ever before, that nothing bad can happen to them, that they are capable of doing everything they have ever wanted to do.

This is where the problems begin as the manic person often behaves impulsively without considering the consequences of his or her actions. The patient may spend money compulsively or do things completely out of the ordinary. He will often take risks he shouldn't or say or do things he will later regret. During a manic episode the patient may deny there is anything wrong, becoming hostile, irritable, or paranoid when any attempts are made to limit his freedom or persuade him to get help.

DSM-IV Symptoms of Mania:

- Elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for at least one week
- Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
- Decreased need for sleep
- More talkative than usual, a pressure to keep talking
- Flight of ideas or sense that your thoughts are racing
- Distractibility
- Increase in activity directed at achieving goals
- Excessive involvement in potentially dangerous activities

Personal Descriptions of Mania:

Below are some descriptions of mania from members of the BPhoenix support groups:

"Mania(hypo) is - anger, finding ways to use plungers in a violent manner - thoughts faster than a speeding bullet - feelings I AM BATMAN, would you like to ride with Batman? - speech stuttered, slurred, too fast to recognize syllables - predisposition to be the life of the party - voices, visions - i AM god's gift to everyone - my ears hurt, waking people up at night cuz i wannna talk - inability to stay on one subject - sleep? what's that? i don't need no sleep - creativity. positive creativity - frustration with those who don't want to do something, rages at those who annoy me, anyone wanna go out and rave? - laughter, hitting walls, recklessness, stupidity, never thinking of consequenses - i LOVE you, i LOVE everyone, i even love my little fingers and toes."
- Ben Brown

"In the beginning it can be like moments of perfect bliss and understanding. Feelings of perfection and of oneness with the universe. Understanding everything, loving everything, and finding fault in nothing. This quickly turns to paranoia and terror as you realize your thoughts are no longer under your control. Everything gets mixed up, your thoughts go too fast and the rest of world seems to be standing still. You turn quickly from being the best at everything and in control of everything to being stuck and trapped and afraid."
- Jo



All information contained in this web site is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.
Copyright © 2001-2003 BPhoenix - Sandra Ketcham, All Rights Reserved.