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BPhoenix Poetry

Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.



by Erika

This monthly bleeding
like all my life Ičve been
bleeding and all my life I will be
bleeding and never done with
losing with shedding until just
then I think ičm empty and
then I bleed some more

Like you
Like what youčve done inside
me and all around me
Days of arm on shoulder
heads bent down laughing in
dark hours late the sun creeps
around our conversation
tired eyes of learning what
is inside one another that old
stomping ground of you

My life peeled back in wet
strips, no jigsaw puzzle
but complete confusion a picture
I can never reconstruct, never redo

And even now with bags
at the door and everything
assembled like I know
what Ičm doing it is still
mixed up a lot of messy
baggage heaped on a know
not what pile of

I'm lost without you
and I have no shape or lines
or meaning like heaps of baggage
a puzzle I beg you to reassemble
me and tell me please not to go.



Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.



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