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BPhoenix Poetry

Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.



"A Shadow Upon My Soul"
by Paul Millard

I moan from within, this pain of my skin
as I rock myself into my shell
I pretend that I'm fine, when all of the time,
I'm actually going through hell!
Oh! The tears in my eyes, from the dreams that have died
There's a shadow upon my soul
How I long to be free from what's killing me
so my body can once again be whole
You know there ain't much pride when your stuck inside
a slowly sinking ship!
But where do you go, when your down real low
and you've thrown in your last chip.
The colors in my head make me think I'm dead,
when I'm actually just asleep.
Everything seems real, tell me what's the deal
am I sleeping just to deep?
I refuse to awake to this life I escaped
why you bother I just don't know
Now they lock me up, with my empty cup
and I reap the life you have sown
I'm screaming inside from the pain that I hide
beneath the carnival face I have on
I pray to above for a Teddy Bear hug
for that will make the pain be gone



Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.



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