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BPhoenix Poetry

Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.



"7 Hard Years"
by Timothy Peter Murphy

I can't help but feel good
As the old, confusing and blurry pictures fall
all away from the dried plaster
Just smooth it over
put on a new coat
a strengthening coat
We'll redo this whole space
This place
like a mother's womb
no longer laced
so comfortable
no longer my tomb

I walked down the stairs today
Saw my face
old and gray
but mirrors lie
my mirrors lie
How others see me
matters only but matters not
through eye socket TVs
no old memories
and insecure miseries
realization is a quest
painful and beautiful

My friend
We are all diseased
We are all not pleased
but if we could see through their's
the compassionate eyes
we'd start again
and be our own friend
we'd be cleared to fly



Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.



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