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Psychiatric Medications
ECT & Herbal Therapy
Symptoms of Mood Disorders
Causes of Mood Disorders
Childhood-Onset Bipolar
Attention Deficit Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Autism and Other PDDs
Disruptive Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders & Dieting
Personality Disorders
Schizophrenia and Psychosis
Information on Self-Injury
Somatoform Disorders
All About Psychotherapy
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Other Mental Health Disorders:

Binge Eating Disorders
NIDDK - Weight-control Information Network

Conversion Disorder
Diagnostic criteria and related facts abour Conversion Disorders

Eating Disorders -- The Something Fishy Website
Eating Disorders -- Everything you need to know... Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. Definitions, signs and symptoms, physical dangers, online support and so much more.

Learn about Anorexia
This site contains information about anorexia: what is it, what casues it, what are the medical risks

Learn about Bulimia
This site contains information about Bulimia

Schizo-affective Disorder
Authoritative information on all aspects of Schizo-affective Disdorder

Schizoaffective Disorder
The National Mental Health Association (NMHA) is the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness - working to improve the mental health of all Americans, especially the 54 million individuals with mental disorders, through advocacy, education, research and service.
The website provides patients, family members, and caregivers with information on schizophrenia and related mental illnesses.

Schizophrenia Society of Canada
Founded in 1979, the Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSC) is a national registered charity. SSC works with 10 provincial societies and their over 100 chapters/branches, to alleviate the suffering caused by schizophrenia and related mental disorders. To this end, SSC and its provincial affiliates carry out public awareness & education, family support, advocacy and research funding initiatives and programs.

Trichotillomania Learning Center
This site is a resource for compulsive hair-pullers, their families and friends, medical and mental health professionals, and others interested in learning about this often-misunderstood disorder.


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All information contained in this web site is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.
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This Site Updated 04/09/11