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I experienced God's mercy and grace in 1990 when my son died. It was then that I realised that I had many unanswered questions and that I was seeking unconditional love. The pain of my son's death incapacitated me and left me with my thoughts. It was then that I realised that love on this earth is very conditional and no living human could fulfill my yearnings.

As a result I gave my total self to God, an invisible thing that I wasn't even sure of how I could conceive it. I have struggled with my perception of what and who God was and is. Now I see him as a friend, father, counseller and saviour.

picture of shimmering cross

The day I found my son dead was like enduring the bowels of hell. Now I am experiencing the feasts of heaven.
The more I experience this world the more pain and suffering I see but also the beauty of people and God's magnificance in creation.
I am filled with great awe when I view this earth and its inhabitants.

But alas I am still a sinful creature but God is working and moulding me. I may be bananas but I truely believe that everyone is lovable. Sometimes it is not obvious but God is showing me that I can love all people through him.
His scriptures in the bible are just as much for today as they were for the people of the times they were written in.

My favourite scripture is
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13"

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