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XML Class Notes 



Lecture 1     What is XML? Well-Formed XML
Outline   Examples   Lab
Lecture 2     XML in the Browser: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Outline  Examples   Lab
Lecture 3     XSLT and XPath
Outline  Examples   Lab Answers
Lecture 4     The Document Object Model (DOM)
Outline  Examples   Lab
Lecture 5     The Simple API for XML (SAX)
Outline  Examples   Lab
Lecture 6     Namespaces
Outline  Examples  
Lecture 7     Basic Valid XML: Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
Outline Lab
Lecture 8     Valid XML: Schemas
Outline Lab
Lecture 9     XML , Databases and the Internet
Outline Lab
Lecture 10     SOAP and Web Services
SOAP Outline Web Services Outline 


XML/HTML Editors 

1st Page 2000  


XSL Processors:  Microsoft XSLXT , Microsoft XML

Microsoft XML Tools

unzip, WinZip