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Java Class Notes 




    General Information about the language 

        Java Basics , JBuilder Basics,   

Java language quick reference

    Lecture 1     Java as a programming language
         Java language structure, Java language elements 

    Lecture 2       Basic concepts       
          Java language control,                 
           Sample Code: Functions,

Interfaces (definition and implementation)

    Lecture 3            Classes       
           Object-Oriented programming in Java  , modifiers , quick reference        
            Sample Code: sample1, sample2, more (FunctionsIncrements,   Operators, ParentClass, TestOOP)

    Lecture 4             Language classes
            Key Java Classes       Additional:  API Wrapper Classes  ,Strings  (more)  
            Sample Code:        Strings ,StringTokenizer, Math , Calendar

, Date and Time                

    Lecture 5             Input/Output
             Sample Code: Stream I/O 
                                      File :FileSizeFileExplorer, ParseName, list, recurrence
                                      Stream classes:  ReadLines, WriteLinesWriteLines_Stream,WriteLines_Writer  
                                      Random Access :  RandomFile
                                      Exception Handling (creating an exception, using exceptions)

    Lecture 6            Advanced concepts
               Threads  , Collections  (reference)                    
                 Sample CodeThreads  ChewWalkthree threads, priorities, synchronization , another example
                                        Collections:List, Map, Set, Stack, Hash Table

    Lecture 7           Networking                    
             Networking, Sockets
             Sample Code: Reading URLs, Address, Client / Server application, Multi-threaded server
                                 Sending objects over the network: client , server, object class

    Lecture 8           Java and the databases                  
        JDBC tutorial, Presentation
             Sample Code: JDBC query application, stored procedure and procedure code , sample1, sample2,sample3, sample4, sample5, sample6

    Lecture 9          Java and the Internet        
            Java Server Pages, more on JSP, servlets, another introduction
             Sample Code: firstJSP, AlmaMater.jsp, servlet and HTML form

    Lecture 10          GUI      
             Sample Code: First Swing Applet  , another Applet 
             SwingDemo and components :  Button, CombBox, Label, Password, Slider, Table, ToggleButton, Toolbar  
            Another demo application:  JBuilderDemo, JBuilderFrame, SecondWindow  
            Yet another demo:  SwingFrame, TestSwing

Lab Assignments  (Answers)

        Labs #1  (Basics)
                  #2 (Syntax) 
                  #3 (Classes ) stubs: Motorcycle, Department, Shape class and testing
                 #4  (Strings) stubs  
                 #5 ( Files) stubs and this one, serialization examplesample files
                 #6  (Collections) stubs  
                 #7 (JDBC) MS Access 2000 blank databaseMS Access 97 blank databasestubs
                 #8  (JSP/Servlets)
                 #9  (Swing)

Tutorials and Software

        Sun's web site has a lot of information, tutorials are somewhat advanced.

         Borland's web

site  if you need to download JBuilder Personal.

         InstantDB is a freeware pure-Java relational database.

         Light Web Server is a JSP and servlet-enabled freeware web server.

Additional Classes 

        ConsoleInput will help you enter your own data.

        Stdin also will let you enter your own data. Add this class to your project and  call readString method

            String name = Stdin.readString(" Enter name>");
            String state = Stdin.readString(" Enter state>");
            System.out.println("name=" + name);

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