
HALT!!! Before you view the upcoming website, be advised that the following pages deals with the life and interests of one which does contain:

Mature Jokes And Other Subject Matter
Extreme Devotion To The Sport Of CHEERLEADING
Many Getting To Know You Type Quizzes
Praise For The Art Of Tarot
Gross Displays Of Silliness

If you are one of the those people that finds any of this subject matter offensive, then you need to hit the BACK BUTTON now, honey! This site is for those who are interested in these subjects or in the person who is putting all this together!!!!! So, if you are still here and want to see more, then just walk through the door and leave your worries and negativity in the great beyond!!! Only make sure you walk in when the door opens; we wouldn't want you to hit your head now, would we?

Come On In!!!

Last Updated The Week of:
October 10th - 16th, 2004