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Hi Everyone! I have a new address. With all of the dot.coms going bankrupt, my server did as well. So I had the lovely time of going out and trying to find another, then transferring all of my information to it, and then dealing with changing links etc. and messing with html code (for you web savvy people out there you know that isn't fun!). i seriously hope that this one stays where is it! Anyway, as you can plainly see, the new address is (i know its longer and harder to remember, but it will have to do).  You may be wondering why if i changed the server and it is a different address, then why is the old banner still up? Well i decided to keep the page name the same, and the banner cause i had it custom made and i like it.  Anyway click here to find out what this site is about . So just hang out, and look around.  Hope you find everything enjoyable.

E-mail me

note: for those of you who know nothing whatsoever about the way html works,
who use web based e-mail, or who cant figure out what my address is by knowing
to put the mouse cursor over anywhere where there is a link to e-mail me,
then my address is:


We all have gotten those e-mail surveys from our friends.  Ya know the ones.  they ask you all theses questions, and then you are supposed to send them to your friends.  Well, I'm pretty sick of filling them out.  So I figured that I would post a compilation of them up on the site so that whenever I get one, I'll just send them the address so that I don't have to fill it out.  I also update it whenever I get a new survey and add any additional questions.  If you have any ideas to add to the page, please sign my quest book.  (which unfortunately isn't up yet) or e-mail me at

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  For those of you who got this address searching for the continuation of my AOL Profiles, He's the link you are looking for.  This site also has my past corny profiles.  They all make for excruciatingly dull reads- I do hope you enjoy them :)

For those of you who know me, you know that I am
A complete Beatles obsessee.  On this page you will find pics, info, bios, links, and much more on the greatest
band in rock 'n' roll history- "ladies and gentlemen... The Beatles!"

I recently signed up for a online photography contest at the International Library of Photography online.  Better known as Anyway, I don't think i won, but you can still see my pic up there and if you want you can buy stuff with the picture on it such as stickers, mugs, and various other things.

  I think the title is self explanatory.  "I get by with a little help from my friends" -Ringo Starr

We all love them.  On this site you will find pictures of various interests to me.  Mainly of me and my friends.  Lots of memories are in these pages, and I hope that you share some of them.

The Calvary Chapel of Mercer County Sr. High Youth Group has taken a number of exciting and special trips and retreats over the past couple of years.  I only joined the group last year, when I started High School.  But there are lots of pictures on here from out 1999 trip to Virginia, and our summer 2000 trip to the shore.  Eventually there will be pics from the Jr. High retreat (which some of us were invited to chaperone) and the Winter 2000 retreat- back to Virginia (of course it would help for us to have gone on it first).

:  This site has various links to things that I am interested in. Such as animal rights, music, television shows, christian teens, and other things.

View My Guest book
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E-mail me!

that I am involved in. 

This page is under construction.  It is likely that it will always be under construction.  If it says that there is going to be a link somewhere, but there is none, come back later.  I will be putting all the links up in due time.  I would really love it for anyone who thinks that they might have something cool to give me to put on the site, e-mail me and let me know.  Love you guys!- Chrissy :)


there are places i remember
all my life, though some have changed
some forever not for better
some have gone and some remain
all these places had their moments
with lovers and friends, i still can recall
some are dead and some are living
in my life i've loved them all
but of all these friends and lovers
there is no one compares with you
and these memories lose their meaning
when i think of love as something new
though i know i'll never lose affection
for people and things that went before
i know i'll always stop and think about them
in my life i love you more
in my life i love you more
-john and paul

Art- Im a huge art fan. I love painting and sketching.  And I completely adore photography, in fact, I may do something with that in college, but that shall be determined by time.  Even though my dad makes fun of it all the time, I even like modern art :) (sorry daddy) Here are some of my painting and sketches, and a few photographs. They aren't very good, but I thought I would put them up anyway.  If you have anything that you are proud of and you would like to have on the internet, let me know. There are already multiple e-mail links on this page, so I wont bother you with another one :)

Babies. Cute, adorable, blessings from God.  Or little scary bald men [normal people dont think this way... you know who you are :)].....  anyways,       regardless of what YOU think of them, I simply love them.  I personally, by the way, consider them to be more of my first description.  I have found quite a bit of work looking after these youngin's. I find that it is something that I am blessed with the ability to do, and do well.  If you are someone sent to this site looking for a babysitter, you can e-mail me and I'll provide a way for you to get in touch with me.  Multiple References can and will be provided apon request.

NOTE: This page was created with Netscape Composer, it is designed to be used with both Netscape and Internet Explorer.  It will operate with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, but it will perform better using Netscape.  To download Netscape or IE5, click one of the following links, and select the product that suites your specific needs:

