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Saturday, 1 July 2006
Happy July Fourth!
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Trail Happiness
Just chillin' around the house today. Unfortunately, both my wife and I have to work on Monday and don't get paid for Tuesday. C'est la vie!

I watched some really goofy movies while the kids slept. Getting ready to go to a pre-Fourth celebration in Holiday.

Check out my new affiliate, Cafe Bel Mondo. Their offer is 2 bags of roasted coffee and a 2-cup coffee brewer, all for $9.95 with free shipping! Only one per household please. Can't wait for mine to come in the mail after the holidays.

Let's take a poll - what is the goofiest thing you have ever done on the Fourth? I'll randomly choose one from among the responses I receive and send you the offer from Cafe Bel Mondo for FREE!! So go ahead and send in your reponses!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 5:55 PM ADT
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Sunday, 16 April 2006
Happy Easter Message
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Trail Happiness
Blessings to all! I would like to share with you an easter message from Lee Roy:

Have a happy Easter, rejoicing in the resurrection of our Lord, which guarantees our own resurrection and eternal life. Eternal life really gives you PERSPECTIVE on the details of daily life. Lee Roy

May Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and Son of the Most High God richly bless you this Easter day!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 3:56 PM ADT
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Saturday, 15 April 2006
Correction of Earlier Post
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Trail Happiness
Just noticed when I logged in tofday that a few days ago, when I announced my new domain, I gave the wrong address! OOPS! That's probably never happened to any of you. Anyway, I corrected it, so, my Christian site, should be listed on the search engines later this week. I've spent much of this afternoon updating it with foreign-language bibles.

I've been largely absent for about the past week because of my involvement in an Easter production called "The Promise." I played Judas and we just finished four straight nights of shows. It was incroyable! Kinda ironic, I played Judas. But hey, someone had to! This morning there was an easter egg hunt at church, and I gave out flyers to visitors and helped clean up afterwards. Only thing is, the sun was very strong here in Florida today, and I came away bright red with sunburn...OUCH!

Anyway, I'll next post part four of my series on Publisher Strategy. Be sure to check out the podcast - I've been a little more regular with that, since with Garageband, you only need a free account and phone to create messages.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 8:14 PM ADT
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Friday, 10 March 2006
Updates to Unrapped Ministries Site
Mood:  happy
Topic: Trail Happiness
As many of you know from previous postings, I also run Unrapped Ministries, a website devoted to proclaiming Jesus Christ and the Gospel message through international Christian news, devotions, prayers, Christian WebTV, and a Gospel store. I have been spending a lot of time of late updating the site, adding many new items, including Gospel items for Spanish and Malayam speakers. Please check it out and check out the sale room also!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 10:52 PM MNT
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Thursday, 4 August 2005
Back on the Trail
Mood:  happy
Topic: Trail Happiness
Good morning!

My wife is gone to a business meeting for the next few days, so I've got some time to ride. You can check out the website for her business here.

I didn't actually get out to the trail but I did ride some around the neighborhood. Nothing like zooming around the street at 20 mph with the wind in my hair. Then my inlaws came back. I'm staying with them for a few days, mostly because their place is closer to my temp job. Cycling is such a great stress reliever! I've been kicking it up a notch lately and riding in 14th gear.

I've been at my temp job for 3 weeks now. It started out as a 2-week assignment, but they really seem to like me and told me they would give me a week's notice as to when they no longer needed me. I told them I was interested in a position they had posted too, so maybe it will work out.

I just put up wedding photosphotos of my wedding, too. Check them out!

Well, CIAO for now! I'm going to go blog and ping for the day before work. I pray that each of you has a blessed day. Please remember that Jesus loves you and died to save you. Check ya on da flip flop with more!

Posted by Randy at 8:10 AM ADT
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Saturday, 23 July 2005
The TRAIL is Winning!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Trail Happiness
Well, how's this for ya! The other day was the 30th-month "mo"-versary for the WIFE and I. And boy, was it a struggle!

I had to cajole her into taking a moonlight stroll with me, holding hands just like when we were dating. Then a night o'passion. All I heard from WIFE was "OH YOU'RE SOOO ROMANTIC" - never so much as a happy mo-versary or anything!

I asked WIFE about it the next day and she lamely responded "I didn't know what day it was" and pointed to her cell phone, which had a date on it 3 months in the future! The TRAIL is looking more and more promising all the time! For some odd reason, WIFE has been keeping my schedule so full I don't have time to ride.

Posted by Randy at 8:16 PM ADT
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