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Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Web Designer in Jail
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Today's Yahoo News reported that web designer Abdul Aziz was found guilty of violating anti-terrorism laws for his role in designing a site instrumental in the Oct. 1, 2005 bombings in Bali, Indonesia. Three suicide bombers blew up themselves and 20 others. Aziz allegedly set up a now-defunct web site with diagrams.

Aziz also said "I'm really sorry." Sorry? There's no excuse for such reckless endangerment of innocent bystanders! The Bali Blog also mentions a separate bombing suspect who, while in prison already used a laptop and a wifi connection to help secure funding of the 2005 attack.

The author at BaliBlog indicates these two are a good reason for the death penalty. I would tend to agree, although death for these types of individuals is hardly a deterrent, as they believe that killing infidels/foreigners guarantees them paradise. Please get me clear, I'm not spouting off against Islam, although I don't believe Islam can lead one to God, for only Jesus Christ can; however, I am speaking against militant fundamentalists of every stripe.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 1:27 PM ADT
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Saturday, 12 August 2006
Space and Time
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs

Space and Time

This is the title of my latest blog renter. Her name is Melissa, from Kansas, and she is a great writer with an eclectic view on life. Master of irony she is as well. Go ahead and check her out on the right, along with my sponsors.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:08 PM ADT
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Tuesday, 8 August 2006
The JFK Assassination Scam
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog reports today that the latest email scam involves the JFK Assassination.


Assassination Scam

People have theorized for years about an alleged cover-up or governmental conspiracy regarding JFK's death. There have been entire radio networks devoted to this and various other conspiracy theories. I take them all with a grain of salt, but the latest email scam seeks to prey on the conspiracy buffs.

The author of this scam claims he is a dying KGB agent with the TRUE story, from newly-found declassified CIA and KGB documents, the otherwise-unknown secrets. This author will allegedly sell you his secret knowledge, from which you can make a fortune by writing "shocking book(s) that will have success and bring you fame."

This is but the latest generation of the Nigerian Scam. Requesting the alleged "secret" information will only lead to a slew of requests for personal information, money, id theft, bank fraud, and various other offenses.

Was JFK's Assassination a secret cover-up? I'm not sure, but when I was at Tampa International Airport last week, I think I saw JFK hangin' out with Elvis. Go figure.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:40 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 August 2006 7:56 PM ADT
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Monday, 7 August 2006
The Spider Trap
Mood:  bright
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
The following is another version of the "Blog and Ping" method variously outlined herein, except without as much work. Plus, it works with sites that don't have an RSS feed.

1. Get a free blog from
2. Get a free account at
3. Post links to the pages you want spidered by the search engines inside your blogger blog
4. Send the feed to your MyYahoo account

Also make sure you put a little unique content on the page. RSS feeds are a great resource for this.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 9:11 PM ADT
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Saturday, 5 August 2006
Top 7 SEO Tools
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
The following links come courtesty of Kim Roach. Feel free to use them and leave comments on their usefulness.


1) Cool SEO Tool

This tool allows you to see where your site stands versus the top 10 sites in Google for a particular keyword or phrase.

2) XML Sitemaps

This site provides strp-by-step instructions on creating XML sitemaps for your site for Google and text-based sitemaps for Yahoo, or even an HTML sitemap for human visitors.

3) SEObook Keyword Tool

Ms. Roach states that keyword phrases of 3 to 5 words convert more readily into sales and are much easier to rank high for.

4) URLTrends

Boost link popularity with this incredible tool.

5) DigitalPoint

This free tool allows you to monitor your search engine positions on 8 different search engines.

6) Link Harvester

This open-source tool allows you find out who is linking to your site.

7) < A href="">WebCEO

Ms. Roach calls it the MacDaddy of all the SEO tools, combining several of their features plus more.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 2:35 PM ADT
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Monday, 31 July 2006
Veguit for Free
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Biking
Today I stumbled across an incredible free offer that I couldn't help but share with you. It's called Veguit, and they will send you a free month's supply, all you have to pay is $4.95 S/H.

Veguit has 30+ organic extracts of vegetables and fruits. You take 2 capsules a day with a large glass of H2O, and it'll boost your body's antioxidant levels, which will help you stay young and healthy. Antioxidants also help boost your immune system, fight off depression, allergies, and a host of other benefits. For your own sake, try a free month's sample of Veguit today. You'll be glad you did.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 5:24 PM ADT
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Saturday, 29 July 2006
Learn How to Make Money Online
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog
I recently came across some links to some books that will help you build an income online. They are priced right and contain more than their purchase price in information. Get yours today!

CIAO for now!

Posted by Randy at 6:56 PM ADT
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Wednesday, 26 July 2006
How to Use Contextual Advertising
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Today, I'm going to again demonstrate an effective use of article marketing. You are free to use this article for free on your website, provided you copy the entire article verbatim, including the source, title, author, and credits. This article is about contextual advertising.

How to Use



Although I've written a few other blog articles since my article on epilepsy, I've noticed that the contextual ads on my site (i.e., YPN and the selection of Amazon books) are still about epilepsy, although the subject has changed. I decided to investigate a little further and came to the following conclusions: The crawlers that determine what types of contextual advertising to display rely on 3 things (listed in order of relative importance).

1) The contextual advertising crawlers look at headings and then titles. Although the titles for my last several posts have changed, I have not used any headings, and the crawlers just see the last time I used both a heading and a title for my post. Don't get carried away with titles, though; one title within your article is sufficient, and make sure you surround it with the h1 and /h1 tags. Also, make sure you use the same title for your post and for your heading.

2) Contextual advertising crawlers really seem to enjoy numbered, ordered lists. Just make sure there is some genuine content in your lists, i.e., not just "My Favorite Numbers" with numbers 1 through 10. I'm not sure how the crawlers do it, but they see through such weak attempts to imitate genuine content.

3) Another thing the contextual advertising crawlers seem to enjoy is natural repitition of keywords. Some people have tried to abuse the system and have given a black eye to SEO in the process, by having pages with the same keyword or words just repeated a gazillion different times and placing some contextual advertising on the page. Not only is this bad webpage copy, but it results in lower rankings for the rest of us who are honestly trying to get some promotion for our pages using legitimate methods.

If you will observe in the above paragraphs, I have started each numbered point with a sentence about "contextual advertising crawlers," without being repetitious or using bad writing style. As a result of the above techniques, the contextual ads should display appropriate content.

'Course, too, don't forget to ping Yahoo, technorati, and the others when you're done!

Copyright 2006 Randy Hildebrand

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:59 AM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 7:24 AM ADT
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Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Beware of the latest Spam Scam
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog
If you have spent any time at all trying to make some extra cash with your blog, you undoubtedly have received a LOT of spam emails. My computer was down for 3 days last week, and by the time I got internet service back, I had over a thousand spam emails.

I just have a few things to say about these SPAM emails...let the buyer beware. If an offer looks too good to be true, it probably is. The latest Spam Scam I refer to in the title, the so-called "pump and dump" scam, has actually been around for a while, but recently mentioned that this scam accounts for about 15 per cent of all spam emails.

The scam involves an email campaign that boosts the value of a company's stock so that spammers can make a quick profit. The spam usually uses images instead of text, which sometimes bypasses spam filters.

A "pump and dump" scam might read, "Bogus Industries This stock is extremely undervalued! Recommendation: Strong Buy Short-term forecast: 300+%! ACT NOW!"

Our recommendation is not only to NOT buy, but also to delete the email and add the sender to your blocked list. Most email services now have an option to mark an email as spam and to block any further emails from that server. I encourage you to use these.

Graham Cluley adds that "The people that act upon emails aren't skilled investors, and don't realise that purchasing the shares is likely to reap no reward, benefiting only the spammers, while creating a financial rollercoaster for the organisation in question."

As I say, let the buyer beware and don't lose your shirt on a scam!

CIAO for now,

Tags: spam

Posted by Randy at 4:33 PM ADT
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Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Maybe you SHOULD'NT get a job
Mood:  accident prone
Security Pro News warns us this week about "dream jobs" you might find posted online.

One of these "dream jobs" paying close to 6 figures, is called "Correspondence Manager" or "Import-Export Specialist." Simple job - your employer pays you to ship goods overseas.

The FBI, though, says this is a reshipping scam. The stuff you get at your door for shipping overseas has been purchased with stolen credit card info. Thieves from places like Nigeria are behind the scam, and don't expect any money in return.

Another "dream job" you might encounter is the prospective employer asking for bank information (i.e., for direct deposit) after an online interview. Instead, they drain your bank account.

Similarly, identity theft can take place if you give out too much personal information in an online interview form. So don't give out social security numbers or any personal information.

My own luck with online postings has not been that great, either. The only actual jobs I have gotten have been with temp agencies who posted on Monster. I.e., I could have skipped the whole online part and just walked into their offices.

I'm still working as a temp, but I have learned the value of face-to-face interviews and networking. You know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows about an opening at a company.

So maybe you SHOULD'NT get a job advertised online and just hit the pavement with feet flying! Wish you the best in your employment ventures!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:17 PM ADT
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