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Sunday, 2 July 2006
Software Projects
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog
Software Projects is a wonderful new service I have recently become acquainted with. They help with website creation, marketing, lead-capture pages, and boosting conversion rates.

This incredible service has 200 certified professionals to help with any of your website needs 24-7. They offer "guaranteed results" with a difference - when they give a deadline, they will actually pay you 5% every day they are behind schedule.

They will also research what type of campaign will work best for your website, whether PPC or email marketing or any of 81 other Internet Marketing Services they offer.

They also offer free quotes for their services. I just completed a quote. It was a simple series of 3-4 pages with simple questions on each page. I finished in about 5 minutes, and am awaiting my quote within the next 24 hours.

Why not give 'em a shot a get your quote today! Simply click on the following link:

See you at the top!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 1:32 AM ADT
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Saturday, 1 July 2006
Happy July Fourth!
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Trail Happiness
Just chillin' around the house today. Unfortunately, both my wife and I have to work on Monday and don't get paid for Tuesday. C'est la vie!

I watched some really goofy movies while the kids slept. Getting ready to go to a pre-Fourth celebration in Holiday.

Check out my new affiliate, Cafe Bel Mondo. Their offer is 2 bags of roasted coffee and a 2-cup coffee brewer, all for $9.95 with free shipping! Only one per household please. Can't wait for mine to come in the mail after the holidays.

Let's take a poll - what is the goofiest thing you have ever done on the Fourth? I'll randomly choose one from among the responses I receive and send you the offer from Cafe Bel Mondo for FREE!! So go ahead and send in your reponses!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 5:55 PM ADT
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Friday, 30 June 2006
Stolen Laptop Recovered
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
As a follow-up to a May story, we are happy to report that the stolen laptop that had info on 26 million vets has been recovered.

According to Reuters, an unidentified person turned the laptop in to FBI HQ in Baltimore on Wednesday.

Furthermore, according to premilimary analysis, none of the data had been compromised, no charges were filed against the person who turned it in, and the FBI has no idea where the laptop has been for the past month.

But don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet. The VA has also lost data in at least two other documented cases:

1) In Minneapolis, another VA employee put a different laptop in his car with info on 60 vets. The car was stolen, and there have been two confirmed cases of ID theft as a result.

2) In Indianapolis, a back-up tape with files on over 16,000 vets was LOST. The investigation continues, and those affected are going to be given free credit monitoring.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:16 PM ADT
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Tuesday, 27 June 2006
The Power of Prayer
We were visiting my husband's mother last Friday when the phone rang about 7pm. It was my 15 year old daughter calling. Through sobs I heard her say, "Mommy, Pray for Kody"....

It was about 24 years ago when I first met my nephews Kenny then 4 and Kody then a little over 1 year old. A charming little blonde with a bright smile and big expressive eyes. He was so sweet. His Brother Kenny the same except his hair was brown. They were moving from NY and in with us for a while.

Why sweety, What's wrong? The reply sent chills down my spine and we immediatly began to pray together over the phone...

For as far back as they could remember both boys wanted to serve in the military. Kody had passed all of the hurdles to join the Army and entered boot camp 5 years ago. He was dating a girl named Meg at the time. It seemed like all his dreams were finally coming true. Unfortunately, he was injured during boot camp and was medically discharged. I believed it to be a blessing in diguise because the War on Terror was just starting and he might have been sent to Iraq if he had stayed in. Kody and Meg married in 2003 and started a family. It was a romantic time for all of us as they were planning their wedding the same time as Randy and I were. In fact our weddings were just three months apart.
Still Kody dreamed of serving in the Army. He had been in ROTC for years and he wanted to try again so a little over two years after his discharge from boot camp, with a wife and daughter at his side he re-inlisted.
After boot camp they moved to Ft. Campbell, KY where he received more traing. Gavin was born in March 05. It was not long after that he got word they were being deployed to IRAQ.

His tank hit a bomb! I could hear tears in her shaky voice. He got burned...more sobs. (She and Kody are very close. Two peas in a pod they are and just 10 years apart in age.) I immediately began to pray, Father please place your healing hands on Kody...My thoughts turned to Meg.....

It was just 3 years ago that they married. The wedding was beautiful and the reception hall on the beach, WOW. It was like a fairy tale. Meg was so beautiful her face glowed and so did his. He was grinnin like a cheshire cat. everyone could see the love on their faces.

After we hung up I got online and sent out an URGENT PRAYER REQUEST to every Christian and prayer worrier I knew and I asked them to pass it on to their friends and prayer partners. No one knew his condition. We were all hoping for the best and fearing the worst....

Kody and Meg are very much in love and have one of the sweetest relationships I have ever seen. Even from Iraq he sent her presents and cards for special occasions and he called or emailed as often as possible.

How was she handling the news. I can't even imagine. I cried for her. I held my husband and prayed through my own tears for Meg and the children. He was scheduled to come home from Iraq in about 6 weeks....

He had deployed in Sept. and was due to return for leave in July. Somehow though, God opened a door and Kody suprized us this past Christmas with a two week visit. just 3 months after he left for Iraq he was home for the Holidays! Everyone was elated! It was a fesive time and we all thanked God for the miracle of a Christmas visit. It was Gavin's first Christmas and Kody was with us. Kenny was now in the process of jumping his hurdles to join the Army as well. Soon they might both be at war.


Posted by Randy at 9:46 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 July 2006 11:42 PM ADT
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Monday, 26 June 2006
Check Out BannerPrizes!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog is an all new banner exchange with a twist! Advertisers earn credits for their impressions that they can use to win prizes on our website! This site is brand new as of June 2006--so get in on this ground breaking program that combines banner exchange advertising and sweepstakes! Google(TM), with banners--meets Prizewise(TM)! Earn 10 cents for every new account setup. Never ending tracking gap! Your commissions could add up fast!

There are no restrictions for this program or special requirements. All may try, even those without a website! No spam emails, of course to signup clients. We are not responsible.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:14 PM ADT
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Sunday, 25 June 2006
Three Ways to get Links
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Dr. Ralph Wilson, who also runs an internet marketing site (Web Marketing Today) and a Christian site (, this week detailed three ways to get non-reciprocal links to your sites.

1. Create Depth and Content
He suggests adding about 1 page per week, and that he currently has around 500 pages.

2. Find Sites that Allow "Add URL"
On Google or Yahoo or your favorite search engine, type in "Add URL" +"keyword." You can also try "Suggest URL" or "Suggest Link" or other similar phrases plus your keyword. Make sure you put quotes around "Add URL" and a plus sign in front of your keyword-in-quotes. This forces the search engine to identify those particular phrases and ensures that they are in your search results. Try to target the sites that don't ask for a reciprocal link.

3. The "Give-Away" Article
Create an article with a good title, description meta tag, headings, body text, hyperlinked keywords, and links to your site and send it to your subscribers. Tell your subscribers that they are free put a copy of the article on their own site, which will result in scores of links to your site.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 8:01 PM ADT
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Saturday, 24 June 2006
Love Bites!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
True 'nough, but SecurityProNews reports that if you receive an email from Anna, Ellen, or Alice telling you that she loves you and has a password to "open her heart", BEWARE BEWARE. The Zip file she sends is actually a worm.

"Win32.Bagle.fy" is the latest in the Bagle family of worms to infiltrate computers in the US, Europe and South Asia. Once it finds a way into your computer, it starts downloading more malicious stuff and signs your beloved computer into the League of Zombie Computers, sending spam and other not-so-nice things around the globe.

So if you want a little love, don't open that email. Instead, why not try getting a little snuggle from a puppy or a baby. Now THERE's love for ya'.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:41 AM ADT
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Love Bites!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
True 'nough, but SecurityProNews reports that if you receive an email from Anna, Ellen, or Alice telling you that she loves you and has a password to "open her heart", BEWARE BEWARE. The Zip file she sends is actually a worm.

"Win32.Bagle.fy" is the latest in the Bagle family of worms to infiltrate computers in the US, Europe and South Asia. Once it finds a way into your computer, it starts downloading more malicious stuff and signs your beloved computer into the League of Zombie Computers, sending spam and other not-so-nice things around the globe.

So if you want a little love, don't open that email. Instead, why not try getting a little snuggle from a puppy or a baby. Now THERE's love for ya'.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:37 AM ADT
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Wednesday, 21 June 2006
Tell A Friend
Mood:  happy
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
I recently discovered an innovative and exciting new marketing tool, "Tell a Friend." It's still in the experiemental stages, but it holds so much promise that I thought I would ask my readers to help me implement it.

Here's how "Tell a Friend" works:

1) Go to my other website, Unrapped Ministries.

2) Navigate to a page on the site that interests you.

3) Click on the "Click to Recommend this page to a friend" button at the bottom of the page.

4) Put your and your friend's information in the boxes and, in the message body below the URL, ask your friend to tell one of their friends about the site as well.

After a few weeks, I'll post a report on this blog, indicating how "Tell a Friend" impacted traffic and/or sales (this Christian website has a Gospel Store - proceeds benefit global missions). For those who assist me in this, leave me a comment and I'll also give your blog an additional plug, since it started with you. No spamming please. Spamming is illegal and unethical. Just tell people you know or are acquainted with.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:38 PM ADT
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Sunday, 18 June 2006
Pics of the Week
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Welcome to our newest blog renter, Pics of the Week! xKhAnH, from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, has a different series of pictures around a particular theme each week. The photography is splendid. I especially like this weeks, which deals with tuning guitars. It includes pictures of several different types of bass and electric guitars. My personal favorite is the last one, shaped like the continent of Africa. So go ahead and check him out an the right! You'll be glad you did! And don't forget to subscribe to this blog while you're at it and support us by visiting our sponsors!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:22 PM ADT
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