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An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us

Welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us, where you can learn how to market yourself effectively on the web, get into major search engines, learn advanced SEO techniques, and not pay for it! Please support our advertisers and enjoy your new place on the Web! Subscribe to this site by entering your email on the right! Also sign up for the free offers we list. Internet
Sunday, 12 March 2006
Internet Marketing Secrets
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
What I'm sharing tonight are not really "secrets," per se, as much as oft-overlooked common-sense approaches. These tips come courtesy of Dennis Regling, Bella Online's Magic Editor.

Dennis states that, as we all know, the Internet can be a "wonderful sales and marketing tool."

Then he debunks the oft-believed myth of "Build it, and they will come." Just because you build a website and get a lot of hits, doesn't necessarily translate into a lot of profits. Many people sink a lot of money into buying hits, which is about as effective as "mass mailing your offer to everyone in the phone book."

Then Dennis writes, "You may use Google AdWords to generate hits only from those searching for your "key words." Unfortunately, unless your key words are very specific, you may be paying for hits from curiousity seekers. However, key words that are too specific will not generate leads."

Quite a conundrum, n'est-ce pas? Your business should be easily found by customers who are ready and willing to buy. A functional website with good navigation, some good meta-tags, search engine submission and pinging the major search engines make it a snap for people looking for your services to find you.

It is even better business to find qualified prospects, send them to your webpage and then stir them to action. Develop qualified relationships within your neighborhood and your business field.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:04 PM MNT
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New Renter on An Internet Marketing Tutorial!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Welcome to our latest renter, Grand-pa! It's a wonderful blog, lauded for its originality by fellow BlogExplosion members, who gave it an 87% approval rating! The author, Espen, is not a grand-pa, however, as he's a 20-year-old from Singapore.

This blog will entertain you with very funny + sometimes pretty lame jokes, as well as interesting, motivational, or educational stories. It will also teach you fun facts that will improve your knowledge and will give you tips on staying healthy. Please visit Grand-pa and our other sponsors today!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 10:52 PM MNT
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Friday, 10 March 2006
Updates to Unrapped Ministries Site
Mood:  happy
Topic: Trail Happiness
As many of you know from previous postings, I also run Unrapped Ministries, a website devoted to proclaiming Jesus Christ and the Gospel message through international Christian news, devotions, prayers, Christian WebTV, and a Gospel store. I have been spending a lot of time of late updating the site, adding many new items, including Gospel items for Spanish and Malayam speakers. Please check it out and check out the sale room also!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 10:52 PM MNT
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Wednesday, 8 March 2006
Check out the New Subsciption Button
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
In our ongoing quest to serve you, our faithful blog readership, we have instituted a Subscription system. Just enter your email in the box on the top right and you will be notified each time we post something new here. It's an auto-responder, so we won't sell your email to spammers; we don't even know what your email is. Plus which, it would defeat one of the secondary purposes of this blog - to guard against spammers. So please keep informed and subscribe to "An Internet MArketing Tutorial for the rest of us" today!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 10:28 PM MNT
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Monday, 6 March 2006
Other Hacked Networks
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
The Internet is not alone in being hacked now-a-days. Citibank and Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado have both been hacked. According to John Stith, Citibank locked down ATM cards for customers travelling in Canada, Europe, or Russia. Too bad for their customers, because they were not informed before they tried to access their money.

At MSC, a laptop containing college records dating back ten years was stolen. Too bad for the students, none of the information was encrypted. What a shame that banks and colleges have such a slippery grasp on the information we entrust with them.

Have you ever been the victim of a hacker or identity theft? Please leave a comment and we will discuss it and suggest alternatives to keep your privacy safe.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:49 PM MNT
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Sunday, 5 March 2006
Rob in China!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Welcome to our latest blog tenant, couresy of Blog Explosion, Rob in China!

Rob in China is a business blog for China. Rob has an MBA and some business sense and he invites you to join him on his money-making journey to the Far East. He's an American entrepreneur "on the ground in China," looking to either make or fortune or go broke!

He updates his site every day with some of the lesser-known business news. He also has a rather tongue-in-cheek approach that I for one find quite refreshing. For example, in a recent story about a robot used to battle forest fires in Shanghai, he appended a picture of "Dick Cheney is a Robot" from the Weekly World News. So Please visit my tenant on the right!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:33 PM MNT
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4 Basic Steps in SEO
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Today much is being shouted about about search engine optimization, or SEO. Some people think they can trick the search engines into giving them higher rankings or can purchase their way into a high search ranking. Others think SEO is so complex you'd have to have a PhD in engineering to even begin to understand it. Neither is correst, as SEO is an art to making web pages that are both user- and search engine friendly. Here are four basic steps everyone should take.

1) More text, less graphics.
Search engines look for important text, regardless of how beautiful the jpeg you picked out for your site. Search engines will read text, not gif images of your keywords. Likewise all flash pages are overlooked as well.

2) Links to interior pages should be easily found by search engines
Again, text links are best, despite how much you like javascript.

3) Build pages around specific keywords
This helps not only the search engines but, if you are trying to make an income off Adsense, et al., the Adsense engine will be able to deliver appropriate ads for your pages.

4) Keywords should appear in strategic places
a) In file name or URL
b) In the Title tag
c) In the Description tag
d) In the headlines { "[H1], [H2], etc."}

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 5:57 PM MNT
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8 Ways to Improve Communications
Mood:  bright
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog
The focus of the original article I drew these from was church communications, but I figure that even the smallest entepreneurships would benefit from improved communications. And, since for internet-preneurs communications usually equals money, I have filed this post under Make Money with Your Blog. Furthermore, these eight ways require no money, just a little bit of exertion on your part, and we'll all benefit!

1) Have conversations. Lots of them.
2) Create a style guide.
3) Identify your specific audience.
4) Document your communication values.
5) Outline a strategy.
6) Reduce emotional overload.
7) Implement an official proofing team and process.
8) Assemble a group of consumer advocates (or secret shoppers).

The full article is at I received these through a communication from Please check out my site that hosts, Please check out my bookstore there too, Unrapped Bookstore.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 5:24 PM MNT
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Saturday, 4 March 2006
Fraud Prevention Month
Mood:  cool
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
The FTC and the Canadian consumer fraud agencies met this past Wednesday to declare March Fraud Prevention Month.

C. Steven Baker, Director of the FTC's Midwest division. explained the importance of the cross-border partnership. "The U.S. and Canada are leading the world in showing that we can work together and protect consumers on both sides of the border."

The biggest result of the meeting is the creation of OnGuardOnline. This site offers information on numerous safety topics, such as common scams and how to avoid them, such as the Nigerian scams or lottery scams. The FTC will display the Fraud Prevention Month Web banner on its cross-border website and on, and continue to distribute its adapted version of "Fraud: Recognize it. Report it. Stop it." in print and online.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 8:40 PM MNT
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Friday, 3 March 2006
An End to Phishing in Tennessee??
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
The Tenneseean just reported that rhe General Assembly in Tenessee is working at record speed to pass a bill that outlaws phishing and related activities.

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For new readers, phishers send out fake emails that look like real ones, from a reputable business or bank. If you click the link in the email, it takes you to another site that looks authentic. Then it asks for your personal information, like user name, password, SS#, or bank information. The phisher then uses rhis info to empty your account, purchase items off Ebay, apply for a loan, or buy expensive items.

The tennessee legislation sets up civil and criminal penalties for phishing. Sounds good, right? But we must be realistic. Phishers often move onto another scam once they have won one, and they are often in other states or countries, which makes the bill good on paper, but that is as far as it goes. Hopefully it at least will raise public awareness of the dangers of phishing and internet fraud.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:42 PM MNT
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