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An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us

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Saturday, 14 January 2006
Internet Marketing Strategy
Mood:  loud
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Today we will show you our basic marketing strategy for your use. You should try to do most of them most days, especially the first three. Feel free to join any of the programs you are not currently a member of - and remember they are all free to join.

TradeBit offers a turn-key platform to anyone who wants to show, share or sell digital goods online.
New features: Now with a free Blog and Gallery PRE-INSTALLED.

Daily Marketing Tasks

1) Autosurf 12 Daily Pro

Upgrades are only $6, which we got from StormClix (see below). Surf 12 for credit on your account, 30 for extra traffic. They also have a ProClicks section, which you can use for added traffic.

2) Manual surf LinkReferral

LinkReferral is a click for credit-type program, with ranking criteria. Manual surf 30 for instant traffic.

3) BlogExplosion

There are many many ways to promote your blog here, not the least of which is the BlogRocket. You start at the bottom of a list of 25 blogs, and rocket to the top. While on the rocket, you will receive many visitors. You can also ping your blog here, but the best way to generate traffic is through thir blog surfing program. Every 2 sites you visit nets you one in return, and, if you comment on some of the blogs that interest you, you'll receive even more visitors from people who read the comments. And, if you feel your blog has what it takes, you can use some of your credits in the Blog Challenge and get 15 guaranteed targeted visitors.

Computer Associates' Anti-Spam

4) Autosurf 100 sites

The sites we have had the most success with are:
*AutoSurf 4 Christ

5) TrafficSwarm

6) Blog and ping daily and the surf engines will come crawling to your site.

7) StormPay and StormClix

As mentioned earlier, we used seed money from StormClix (each worth between $5 and 1 cent) to fund 12Daily Pro. We have also used money from StormClix to purchase PPC ads on StormClix. Each spend has to be at least $5.00.

Online Virus Check

As mentioned earlier, even if you only have time for the first three on a given day, you will still see an upsurge in traffic. Remember to relist your blog on BlogExplosion often. You will receive an email when you need to relist. Doing these simples steps that take maybe an hour has resulted in 500+ visitors daily.

CIAO for now,

Technorati tags: marketing, blogs, autosurf, blog and ping, stormpay,

Friday, 13 January 2006
The Sago Mine Scam
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Today we are continuing our series on phishing and other identity fraud tricks by focusing on one recently profiled by the FBI: the Sago Mine Scam.

According to John Stith of SecurityProNews, the Federal Bureau of Investigation recently released a bulletin concering a phony e-mail asking for financial assistance for the survivor of the Sago Mine disaster, Randal McCloy.

The email is allegedly from an attending doc at McCloy's hospital. It describes his condition and how much money is needed to help give him a full recovery. The Bureau urges people, just as we have done here, not to even open or respond to these emails. If you really want to contribute to Randal McCloy's hospital fund, can call the Sago Mine Fund at 1-800-811-0411.

The Sago Mine Scam is just another example of the opportunistic nature of phishers and their low moral standards. Similar scams emerged after 9/11, the Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Phishers will stop at almost nothing to take advantage of people's good will. The FBI said:

The FBI takes these matters seriously and is working with other law enforcement and private industry partners to identify the person(s) responsible. Anyone who has received an e-mail of this nature is asked to file a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

You can access the Internet Crime Complaint center here. They'll need your name, address, phone number, and specific details as to why you feel you've been phished, scammed, defrauded or cheated on the internet.

Please note they do not ask for banking information, social security numbers, or passwords. If you are ever directed to a site that demands any of these, outside of legitimate auction sites (e.g., E-Bay or StormPay Auctions), payment processors (such as PayPal or SFIPay), and banking sites that you have typed the address for in the address bar, ex out of it.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 9:41 PM MNT
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Wednesday, 11 January 2006
Protect Yourself from The Volkswagen Lottery Scam
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good evening and welcome to "An Internet MArketing Tutorial for the rest of us." Tonight we'll continue with our series on internet security, focusing on the latest scam that, according to John Stith, is "running rampant," namely the Volkswagen Lottery Scam.

While I have not personally been a target or a victim of this scam, I have been targeted by the so-called "Nigerian Scam," which it mimics. In a nutshell, the scam runs like this: you receive an email announcing that the "Lottery Department" of Volkswagen Automobiles has started a new contest to win a new VW and 1 million pounds sterling. Sounds great, especially since your e-mail was chosen at random from 250,000 others. They even give winners a contact number.

Only thing is, there is no car and no money. Its just a more elaborate way of trying to dupe you out of your personal banking or other info. Bottom line, if you see any e-mail announcing "You have won the Lottery" (or Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes, for that matter), don't even open it. Delete it on site and thus protect yourself. As your website becomes more popular and more widely viewed on the internet, fraudsters and hucksters are going to try even more dastardly deeds to con you out of your hard-earned money. Don't let them.

CIAO for now,


Posted by Randy at 1:27 AM MNT
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Sunday, 8 January 2006
How to Protect Yourself from Computer Worms
Mood:  happy
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good afternoon! We will continue with our internet security theme today, an important consideration when promoting your blogs.

John Stith, our friend from Security Pro News, reports the following about the Sober worm: a Sober worm, scheduled to emerge last Friday, January 6, 2006, seems to have been stopped, thanks to the efforts of numerous security software companies. One important one is Security Pro USA.

This particular varient, dubbed Sober.Y, came from Germany and was tied to January 5, the anniversary of the founding of the Nazi Party. Sobers have been around since October 2003, and are often tied to important dates in Germany.

The worm was not created to mess up your computer though. Rather, its purpose was to hijack your OS to send out spam. Spam is now being used to read info from your PC and use it to make money. Hackers used to be destructive; today they're more often greedy.

Mr Stith feels that hacking, cybercrime, and malware is heading the way of big business, stabilizing and becoming organized and structured. Unfortunately for us, as this occurs, the crimes are becoming viewed as victimless, and hence less prosecutable.

In fact, Saturday Night Live last night had a sketch entitled "The Spammies," complete with an award for the Nigerian who will send you a fortune if you send him a couple of hundred dollars. I.E., if something in our society has become so mundane that SNL can parody it, most people would not consider it criminal. But we encourage you to not let yourself be a victim: get quality protection, such as we promote here.

On a final note, if you are looking for a quality post-Christmas gift, or have some money left over from the holidays, consider getting The Chronicles of Narnia. You've seen the movie, now read the book! Aslan still roars in this handsome gift set from the pen of C. S. Lewis. All 7 paperback volumes are packaged in a convenient slipcase for easy gift giving. A fantastic voyage of fantasy that points to the spiritual realities of Christ await young and old readers alike.

The Chronicles of Narnia

CIAO for now,

TAGS: Security, John Stith, Sober, Hacking, Cybercrime, Malware, worm, Panda, Saturday Night Live, Spam, Spammies

Posted by Randy at 7:09 PM MNT
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Saturday, 7 January 2006
How to Avoid Phishers - Part Deux
Mood:  happy
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
John Stith, of SecurityProNews reports on a new tactic being used by phishers, which he calls the "E-Bay Spear Fishing Scam." The instigators send out forged auction inquiries via email. The email has a "Respond Now" link in it. Some people click on the links, plug in the asked for info and get hijacked. "The spear phishing is a little trickier to deal with though. It's much more focused and goes after specific individuals or groups. They're designed to lull victims into security and then get speared."

Ted Green, CEO of SpamStopsHere, offers a number of tips to protect you from phishing scams, which dovetail nicely with what we have previously mentioned in this blog:

Online Virus Check

1. If an email asks you to log into your bank, PayPal, eBay, Amazon or other
personal account, you can assume it is a phishing scam.


2. Under no circumstances enter banking information, social security numbers or other
personal info by clicking a link in an email.

3. Never enter your computer user name or password into an e-mail that
asks for it, not even if it says it is from your IT manager or other co-
worker. It is easy for a spammer to forge the sender's name.

4. If you don't know if an e-mail is legit, open an
Internet browser and type in the URL of the institution in question,
e.g. "". Do not use the URL in the email as a reference, as it is probably
a forgery.

5. Any e-mail that asks for personal information is most likely a phishing scam.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 10:50 AM MNT
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
How to Protect Yourself from Identity Fraud
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Continuing with the theme of the last post, today we'll learn a little more about identity fraud and how to protect yourself. As you become more successful at internet marketing, you'll be surprised at how quickly phishers and ID fraud con artists want to get your money. Stop them before they have a chance to steal from you.

John Stith of SecurityProNews points out the alarming fact that even the US government shares some responsibility for ID fraud. The Department of Justice published supposedly private social security numbers on its webpage and some 51 million people had their identities compromised yet Congress is preparing to relax rules on reporting these instances.

Furthermore, the Privacy Rights Clearing House reports that many companies in 2005 fell victim to ID fraud as well. Consider Bank of America's loss of a tape with 1.2 million names on it or CardSystems' compromise of 40 million identities.

So what can we do to protect ourselves if we can't trust major banks, businesses, or even the government to protect our personal information? The Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) offers the following advice: Protect yourself by having multiple and/or complex passwords, firewalls, and anti-virus software on your computer. The SEC further advises to log out completely each time you access your account online and to not respond to e-mails asking for personal information, even if the e-mails look official. In addition, don't access your checking or investment accounts at internet cafes or libraries, where potential ID thieves could eavesdrop on your passcodes. For further information, the SEC's full guide is here, and Privacy Rights Clearing House has more information here.

Keep it safe, surfers and friends alike! Be sure to check out the Rent My Blog square to the left!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:36 PM MNT
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Sunday, 1 January 2006
How to Avoid Phishers
Mood:  happy
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Happy new year! In the first post of the new year I want to share some information on the deadly practice of "phishing" and how to avoid its potential ramifications.

"Phishing" is the practice of tricking internet users into revelaing their personal information. E-Bay and PayPal are popular targets for phishers, although and are occasionally used as well.

Traditionally, phishers send phony e-mails stating that you need to update your information and direct people to official-looking eBay, PayPal, Amazon, or Overstock log-in pages, where thay are asked to provide user names and passwords. One that I recently received (allegedly) came from "," titled "PayPal Notification: Re: Unauthorized Use of Your PayPal Account!" Sometimes the phishers will hijack the accounts and sell phony or non-existent items on eBay or use the information to purchase items on these auction sites.

Recently, several listings were added to eBay's "Totally bizarre" category, which is designed for off the wall items, with the title "Movie!With me and Laura!My best friend!Sexy show!1$". When eBay users clicked on the listings, their browser was redirected to the phony log-in page and a virus was downloaded on the users' computers.

In all fairness to eBay, they have updated their screening tools and have removed these offending links. Following are some practical considerations so that you will not be a victim of phishing.

The web addresses of valid eBay sites have "" before the first forward slash. Examples: or are valid, but beware of anything that resembles or

This is an authentic link to eBay:

Also, regularly clean out your "Junk email" so you won't be tempted to accidentally click one of their links. Occasionally my email reader will redirect an authentic email to my junk folder, but the misrouted email always resembles, so they're easy to spot.

It goes without saying not to click on any links in emails that ask for personal information. Go directly to the company's site to see if they actually need any information from you. Verify identities before releasing information, no matter what the reason, whether a potential employer or a lottery winning.

If you do happen to get caught by a phisher, report the incident immediately to the National Fraud Information Center/Internet Fraud Watch, They have an Online reporting form as well.

These tips come courtesy of Parry Aftab of InformationWeek and Read the full articles at and

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:14 AM MNT
Updated: Sunday, 1 January 2006 3:22 PM MNT
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Saturday, 31 December 2005
Do What Top Bloggers Do
Happy new year to all! I was just surfing the blogs on Blog Explosion and came across a posting on "What Top Bloggers Do," by Tino Buntic on

1) Freely link to other websites and other blogs. The blogs you link to will have a look at you and some will link back to you. Don't ask for links - freely give, freely receive.

2) Use descriptive words in anchor text of links. When linking to other blogs, use descriptive text in the link. This is the "anchor text." Doing this helps search engines find you.

3) Write about news, current events, other businesses, other people, other blogs, other websites. (Notice the pattern?) STOP writing about yourself. No one wants to hear it. If you find, however, you absolutely must write about yourself, only do so about a fourth of the time.

4) Keep your topics interesting with an interesting point of view.

The original article the above was exerpted from can be found at this blog.

Posted by Randy at 4:57 PM MNT
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Tuesday, 27 December 2005
How to Make Money with Stormpay
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog
Happy holidays to you and yours. I hope you've enjoyed the pix of my family and I. Surely by now you've at least heard of Stormpay, what I term the safe alternative to Paypal. They not only have a safe means of transmitting funds electronically but they also have free auctions (i.e., no listing fees - they get a small percent of the selling price - much cheaper than Ebay), free email, Stormclix (you actually get paid the same day for clicking on ads), Stormpayges (ready-made custom sales pages for your merchandise), a Stormpay ISP (probably available in your area), and if that weren't enough, Stormfun video games. With so much to offer and adding more all the time, I don't understand why everyone is not a member! You can sign up for free at Stormpay.

While I have been pleased with the $5 or so a week I can get through Stormclix, I recently have been investigating ways of increasing my income there. The best program I have found is 12 Daily Pro.

I deposited $6 of my Stormclix money into 12 Daily Pro. Each day for the following 12 days I autosurfed my 12 Daily Pro for 30 sites. You only need to do 12 but I wanted to get some extra traffic, which you can also get from the "Proclicks" section. Then I had amassed $8.64, a 144% profit. Requested my money, and 10 business days later $8.64 was deposited into my Stormpay account.

By this time, I had accumulated enough Stormclix to purchase 2 shares ($12) in 12 Daily Pro. Continue this process, and in a few months time, we can have enough invested in 12 Daily Pro to get some serious money back. Just think...$300 invested would be $36/day, for a total return of $432, $132 profit for a little bit of surfing. What are you waiting for? Join 12 Daily Pro today and start surfing your way toward another source of income!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:57 PM MNT
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Thursday, 22 December 2005
Discover How to Get More Traffic - part 4
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Today we willhave a segment featuring the 3rd top searched term as of last Friday, according to Wordtracker, Eminem. You may freely copy the entirety of the following to your website (or use our RSS feed on the right), provided you include the author's name and a link to this site, provided at the end.

All About Eminem

Eminem was born October 17, 1972. His biggest single was 2002's "Loose Yourself," and his biggest LP was 2000's "Marshall Mathers LP. He's even been nominated for 9 Grammies. We'll include more details about his musical successes at the end of this article.

"My insecurities? I'm dumb, I'm stupid, I'm white, I'm ugly, I smell and I'm white...I wanna kill myself...My nose is, my penis is small." (Eminem, 2000)

Discounting all that, Eminem has done fairly well for himself, considering his humble beginnings. He was born in Kansas, and raised in Detroit. His interest in rap music came about as a way to escape his teenage years. And who doesn't? Wish we could all meet his successes! During his youth, he move around a lot, didn't have much money, and was constantly picked on by the neighborhood bullies.

His uncle Ronnie was his own age and influenced him greatly, even introducing him to rap. Eminem ultimately dropped out of high school, while Uncle Ronnie shot himself at age 19.

But even all these hardships didn't slow Eminem down much. Starting in 1997, Eminem came in 2nd at LA's Rap Olympics.

Then, in 1998, Dr Dre signed Eminem and he released the (in)famous Slim Shady. In 1999, he was the #83 Singles f the year, followed by #21 Singles Artist in 2000. In 2001, he still made it to the top 200, coming in at #175.

2002 was a banner year, with Eminem coming in at #9 singles artist of the year, Followed in 2003 by spot #14. 2004 continued his slow downward trend in the Singles artist of the year charts, with a #18 placing, but 2005 saw an upsurge in popularity.

Not only was Eminem nominated for 3 Grammies, but he had a number of Top 40 hits, including "Like Toy Soldiers," "Ass like That," "When I'm Gone," and "Shake That." "When I'm Gone" also made it to the top 10.

Randy Hildebrand

You are free to copy the entirety of the above article, provided you include the author's name and a link to this website, An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 8:15 PM MNT
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