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An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us

Welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us, where you can learn how to market yourself effectively on the web, get into major search engines, learn advanced SEO techniques, and not pay for it! Please support our advertisers and enjoy your new place on the Web! Subscribe to this site by entering your email on the right! Also sign up for the free offers we list. Internet
Thursday, 27 October 2005
Skills Required of an SEM
Mood:  happy
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog

Earn $$$

List Your Site

If you are as intrigued about the ever-changing world of search-engine marketing (SEM) as I am, here are 8 tips culled from Jim Hedger, StepForthNews Editoe, StepForth Placement Inc. Please click on any of the ads that interest you in between the points.

1) Knowledge of how computers operate. Basically, you need to be able to wear many hats since most SEM firms are small operations. You need to know not only about SEM but also file-server maintenance, troubleshooting, networking, intranet and internet connectivity, etc.

2) Software knowledge, ranging from spreadsheets to client management software to specialized search engine software. The knowledge should be more intuitive than learned.

FREE* Apple(R) iPod(R) Photo!

3) Proficiency in the English language. Despite the growing number of non-english sites (see some of the non-english search engines listed at Pingoat), English is the unofficial language of global commerce and the internet. Well-written page content is always in demand.

4) Great interpersonal skills. You need to be able to simplify, explain, educate, gently correct and comfort clients.

5) Knowledge of how ISPs work. You have to be able to assess the host server and how the site is set up. You have to know how to talk tech with the client’s ISP when you need them to install software or modify the client’s account in one way or another.

6) Web design skills. This is a no-brainer, but should not be overlooked. You need to be comfortable in a wide array of platforms, languages, styles, and designs.

7) Basic to advanced knowledge of traditional marketing and sales. Even though the internet has "levelled the playing field," to coin a metaphor, these basic skills are the basis of any profitable organization.

8) Strong research skills. You may need to become an instant expert in any number of fields, depending on your client's interests.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:06 PM ADT
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Tuesday, 25 October 2005
How to Avoid Spam Robots
Mood:  happy
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
When you begin to enjoy some success with internet marketing, you probably will begin seeing your inbox bulging with spam, in spite of the illegality of using robots to harvest emails. Spammers use software spiders to grab email addresses anywhere they might be on the internet.

Here's some tips from Jim Edwards, sent my way via Kurt Inman.

1) Simply put, don't put your email address anywhere on your site. Instead of, use
YOURNAME (AT) (replace AT with @)

This will discourage most spam robots.

2) Spiders can't read from images. If you must put your email address on your page, type it into your favorite graphics program and save it as a gif or jpeg file. Then post the image on your page.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 9:55 PM ADT
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Saturday, 22 October 2005
How to Avoid Black Hat SEO
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Black Hat SEO refers to practices and/or techniques that are immoral, unethical, and potentially illegal to receive more hits to your blog or higher search rankings. An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us wants you to get traffic in legit ways, because these will lead to your continued online success.

These should be avoided at all costs, as they will not only reflect badly on your business, but also banned from certain search engines.

1) Don't stuff your keywords. Some sites are simply long lists of keywords. As discussed earlier, integrate your keywords into the content of your site. Your marketing efforts will go much further.

2) Don't use invisible text. Don't put your keywords lists in white against a white background.

3) Don't use doorway pages. These are "fake" pages that users never see. It's a trick to try to get search engine spiders to give higher rankings but should never be used.

4) Don't spam the search engines. There are several services available (such as that allow you to submit your website to multiple search engines.
If you feel you must use a service like this (the Blog and Ping method described in earlier posts does the same within 3 days that takes the search engines 3 months or more), mark your calendar with a certain day each month that you will submit to the search engines and don't deviate. Else you may find yourself banned from these as well.

5) Don't believe the hype about "guaranteed top ten placement in Google." These companies just want to take your money, use several of the Black Hat SEO techniques, and leave you and your site banned from the top search engines. Getting top placement takes time, ingenuity, creativity, and a lot of patience. Nothing worthwhile ever comes overnight. Even babies need 9 months to develop and sometimes a day of labor.

Keep reading this blog for even more tips. Add us to your My Yahoo or My MSN by clicking their buttons above. The RSS feed that you can use in your favorite news aggregator is on the right.

If you like auctions, sign up for StormPay or click here to register for Ubid.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:24 PM ADT
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How to Design a Search-Engine Friendly Site
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us!

Mary Anne Donovan recently posted the following tips on

How to Design

A Search-


Friendly Site

1) Don't use Flash

No matter how much you like how it looks, search engines get lost in the maze of code needed for Flash, so just don't use it!

2) Make sure all your links work

Also, make them text links that contain your keywords.

3) If you use image maps, make sure you can navigate via text links as well.

4) Pay special attention to your Title tag, Description tag, Header tags, and body text. Use keywords in a relevant way. Don't try to manipulate search engines with your keywords.

Obviously, we all can improve in all these areas.

While you are improving your blog/site, please click on the following, fill out the small form and get a free night at the movies!


CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 5:39 PM ADT
Updated: Sunday, 23 October 2005 6:38 PM ADT
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Thursday, 20 October 2005
How to Use RSS on your Site
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs

How to Use

RSS on Your


RSS (Really Simple Synidication) allows you to deliver your content to any interested parties.

RSS comes automatically with most free blogs. Let's see what we can do with this technology.

1) Place headlines on your site

Feedburner displays headlines from RSS feeds with links on your site.

2) Place other content from a feed

RSSDigest creates source code you can put on your pages in a viriety of formats. Keep in mind, though, that search engines don't read javascript.

These are two great ways to put relevant, insightful information on your site that is updated on a (usually) regular basis. If you find really old posts (few weeks or months), find another feed.

If you are uncertain what sort of RSS feeds to put on your site, go to Yahoo search, and in the search box type

+"rss feed" +free +{keyword}

Of course, replace {keyword} with the key word for your site. The quotations make Yahoo search for the phrase "rss feed" and the plus signs tell Yahoo those words must be included. I always put +free in there because there are a few unscupulous individuals who actually want to charge for their RSS feeds.

While you are putting up your RSS feeds, why not help yourself to some info on how to "pay off debts in 1/2 the time?"

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:47 PM ADT
Updated: Saturday, 22 October 2005 4:53 PM ADT
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How to Optimize Your own Website
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs

How to


Your Own


Website optimization is all the rage these days, with some folks charging 100s for what we'll teach for free. Following these steps will ensure better rankings in the search engines for your blog/website.

1) Title - Make sure that the title of your page includes your major keyword. Place title with keyword between the and tags of the HTML code. Most blog building programs have an edit source option.

2) Meta Tags - Despite what others may say, I support the use of Meta Tags. Also located between the and tags, use to describe the content of your site. Use your keyword(s) when doinf so. The other important Meta Tag looks like this: with a list of your keywords, separated by commas.

3) Header Tags - Use header tags < h1 > and < /h1 >, < h2 > and < /h2 > to set off importatant parts of your page. This will attract your page viewer's attention, and search engines like them too.

These tips come courtesy of Brad Callen, professional SEO. While you are reading and implementing them, take advantage of this offer: Get the best selection of FREE eMagazines and FREE Stuff on the net! Bonus: $125 Shopping Spree! Click now!

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 10:04 PM ADT
Updated: Sunday, 23 October 2005 7:14 PM ADT
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Wednesday, 19 October 2005
Yahoo Publisher Network Beta
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog

Yahoo Publisher

Network Beta

Yahoo Publisher Network Beta is now live! This is Yahoo's alternative to Google Adsense, which I got kicked out of because I accidentally clicked ads on my site.

To sign up, go to and click on the please apply here. You'll get an e-mail verification that you must respond to. Make sure you fill out the form completely that pops up. Also, use a different password for your Yahoo Business account than you do for Yahoo mail (for security purposes).

Ads from Yahoo will be live in a day or two after you put up the code. You'll get PSA's in the meantime (see above).

You'll receive payment every month once your account balance reaches $100, just like Adsense. They'll send a check within 45 days of the close of the month to allow for review of the clicks and processing. DON'T CLICK YOUR OWN ADS!!

If you've noticed the ads above change from time to time, it's because I'm experimenting around with a couple of different alternatives to Adsense. (The Adbright ads are at the bottom now.) Yahoo Publisher Network looks very promising.

Don't forget to check out StormPay, with its latest feature, Stormclix (I've made over $12 since its inception) and the links on the side.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 3:39 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 October 2005 5:15 PM ADT
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Tuesday, 18 October 2005
How to Write an Optimized Article
Mood:  happy
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog

How to Write an Optimized Article

Search engines give high rankings to "authority" sites. What I mean by that is that your site has lots of interesting, unique, and relevant information. The article should be optimized to achieve even higher ranking in the search engines.

You should write about a topic that is intimately related to your business and website. Don't copy content from your website or anyone else's as search engines dislike duplicated content.

Here's a step-by-step guide to writing your optimized article:

1) Put keywords in title
The title tells the search engine the content of your page. Enclose the title in h1 HTML tags since some search engines look for those.

2) Locate keywords throughout content
The theme of the article should revolve around the keywords. Use a touch of common sense and don't forget that you are writing for the reader, not the search engine. About 600 words is good.

3) Put the keyword in first and last paragraphs

4) Put the keyword in subheadings
By subheadings, I mean headings braketed by h2 or h3 HTML tags. Some search engines look for these, and they make for easier reading for people who scan.

5) Put your personality into everything you write
Informal, friendly, conversational language works best, and will make your reader feel like he or she is at home.

CIAO for now,

PS. The comments contained herein are an abridgement of comments by James Peggie, director of marketing for Elixer Systems.

Posted by Randy at 8:24 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 October 2005 3:49 PM ADT
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Monday, 17 October 2005
How to Create Your Own Auction Business
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Make Money with Your Blog
Today we'll discuss how to create your own auction business. There is an initial cost to this business, but that is limited to the price of your first auction listing.

7 Steps to Create

Your Online



1) Create a free website from one of the many providers out there. Even Yahoo has one.

2) Sign up for the following free services:
Commission Junction (don't sign up as an incentive site)
Share A Sale

3) Apply to be an affiliate of as many advertisers as possible on Commission Junction and Share A Sale.

4) Pick out some interesting product(s) from advertisers you are affiliated with and put links to their product(s) on your free website. Share A Sale has a "Make a Page" function to further facilitate this. Note: unless you like dealing with hackers, stay away from selling electronics or computers.

5) In StormPay Auctions, list your favorite product(s) for free. Use the Buy Now option and make sure to set the price high enough to cover StormPay fees and shipping. Usually a $5 mark-up will do.

6) When you get a buyer, go to your free page and click on the product. Buy it and ship it to your buyer.

7) You will receive a commission check from Share A Sale or Commission Junction once you reach their minimum payouts. Commission Junction is $20, and Share A Sale is $50. You'll probably have to have several successful auctions to reach payout, but you won't have to worry about listing fees!

If you need some additional items to sell on auction, there are liquidation prices if you register at .

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 7:09 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 October 2005 3:47 PM ADT
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Sunday, 9 October 2005
Google Blog Search
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Google Blog Search has arrived! Here are some important pointers on Google's latest offering:

1) You can access Google Blog Search here or here. You can also get to it from the Navigation Bar on any Blogspot blog or the Blogger dashboard. However, you can't access Google Blog Search from Google's main page. Oops!

2) Google will index all sites using an RSS or ATOM feed, but will not as yet include any posts older than June 2005.

3) You can also subscribe to search results using the News Aggregator of your choice and filter out any unwanted results.

4) Get more info on Google Blog Search here.

And don't forget, you can make some extra money with StormClix from Stormpay. Get your free Stormpay account here. Also, don't forget about Stormpay Auctions, the FREE auction alternative to Ebay!

Save 10% off car insurance at

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:20 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 October 2005 3:47 PM ADT
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