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Saturday, 6 August 2005
Mood:  party time!
Good morning! I decided to change the title of this blog to more accurately reflect the content, although I may from time to time take to rambling about the beauties of the TRAIL that WIFE is jealous of.

I wanted to post some observations about the so-called "sandbox effect." If you recall, using the blog and ping strategy, I got this blog listed on both Yahoo and Google, and if you followed my advice, you got yours listed also. However, last night I asked my mom to look at it on Google and it was not got put in the SANDBOX.

The reason it got "sandboxed" was because when I was working on the site, I noticed the RSS feed for USA cycling was no longer functional and replaced it, as you might guess, with a feed that discusses internet marketing. Initially, it took a few days for Yahoo's spiders to read my site and a few more for Google's (where o where is my dear MSN?). So I just have to wait again to show up in the results while the spiders do their thing while I blog and ping daily. It may be a few days more as I just changed the title.

Stay tuned though, as in future posts I will describe exactly how to get an RSS feed and post it to your blog, how to put up Google Adsense to earn a bit o' money from your blog, affiliate marketing, and more!

CIAO for now and may God richly bless your marketing efforts!

Posted by Randy at 10:58 AM ADT
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Friday, 5 August 2005
Prayer Changes Things
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good Morning everyone! Sorry if the title seems a bit cliche, but it's true!

Last Sunday, I really didn't feel like going to Sunday School. We've got a really tremendous class, called "Blended and Blessed." They've got a web site, Blended and Blessed, which you can check at your leisure. All that being said, I really didn't feel up to it and instead went to the prayer room. I got on my knees before the Lord and just had a heart-to-heart. Every day since, I've done the same. It's just like creating and promoting blogs , the TRAIL or anything else worthwhile in life. If you are consistent on a daily basis and keep on doing what you should, great changes will take place.

Here's some examples this week: my wife is still gone on her business meeting (remember her web site) and she called me last night. She witnessed a 10-car pileup on I-10 outside of Jacksonville that the Lord saved her from.

Also, my older daughter started high school as a freshman this week. The first day she got sick and came home early, but she's gone every day since and is really enjoying herself. Our relationship has really blossomed as well, which is wonderful, considering that she was the only child of my wife for 11 years before we got married. Then I came along with my little one, who starts 4th grade next week.

So bottom line, prayer changes things - sometimes in little or imperceptible ways, sometimes quite dramatically. If you haven't started a daily prayer time or have let life get in the way - take a tip from me and just give God a few minutes of your time in prayer today. You can do it anywhere, in the shower, on the way to work, anytime!

CIAO for now and God bless your new prayer life!


Posted by Randy at 8:43 AM ADT
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Thursday, 4 August 2005
Back on the Trail
Mood:  happy
Topic: Trail Happiness
Good morning!

My wife is gone to a business meeting for the next few days, so I've got some time to ride. You can check out the website for her business here.

I didn't actually get out to the trail but I did ride some around the neighborhood. Nothing like zooming around the street at 20 mph with the wind in my hair. Then my inlaws came back. I'm staying with them for a few days, mostly because their place is closer to my temp job. Cycling is such a great stress reliever! I've been kicking it up a notch lately and riding in 14th gear.

I've been at my temp job for 3 weeks now. It started out as a 2-week assignment, but they really seem to like me and told me they would give me a week's notice as to when they no longer needed me. I told them I was interested in a position they had posted too, so maybe it will work out.

I just put up wedding photosphotos of my wedding, too. Check them out!

Well, CIAO for now! I'm going to go blog and ping for the day before work. I pray that each of you has a blessed day. Please remember that Jesus loves you and died to save you. Check ya on da flip flop with more!

Posted by Randy at 8:10 AM ADT
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Wednesday, 3 August 2005
Get Your Blog Published on Google
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs

Just doing the steps I've been outlining with you for the past week or so, this blog is not only listed in Yahoo, but I just noticed that it's on Google too! MSN hasn't spidered this site yet, but who cares? Over the next month or so, I plan to create an e-book summarizing these steps for you. I will of course offer it free to my faithful readers.

CIAO for now and God bless! Check out for my French translation of an awesome article about God's forgiveness.

Posted by Randy at 11:36 PM ADT
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Update on Free Services for Pinging Blogs
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Hey all! I just noticed that when I pinged using the free services I just mentioned, I got the message "Unknown Blog."

Probably have to register with them first. Here's a blurb about Blogshares from their website:

BlogShares is a fantasy stock market for weblogs. Players get to invest a fictional $500, and blogs are valued by incoming links.

If that interests you, head on over to Blogshares. I'm going to give it a shot myself.

CIAO for now and God bless you richly.


Posted by Randy at 11:11 AM ADT
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Ping your blog for free
Mood:  happy
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good morning!

Just wanted to drop a quick note in our continuing series on blogging and pinging.

To ping your blog to a wide variety of services for free I recommend Ping o Matic or King Ping by Fred Giasson. Ping o Matic experiences sporadic downtime, so you can hop over to King Ping for most of the same blogs.

This is Ping O Matic

King Ping

CIAO for now and may God richly bless your online efforts!


Posted by Randy at 10:24 AM ADT
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Sunday, 31 July 2005
How to Blog and Ping Yahoo
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Hello, again! As promised in my last post, here is the detailed method for getting your site listed on Yahoo. Since MSN doesn't allow you to ping their site, this method will probably get your pages listed faster. Brad Callen, whom I draw much of this material from, claims it only takes 2 hours, but for me it was more like 2 days. Still better than the 2 to 6 months it takes when you manually submit your site.

I'm going to take you step by step through the procedure then you can double check my results on Yahoo for yourself.

The first step is to create a blog. I personally like Angelfire, but you can use any of the free blogging software that's widely available.

Second, either create a My Yahoo account or sign into one you currently have. Find out what the RSS feed for your blog is. With Angelfire, it is the blog address followed by /rss.xml. For example, the RSS feed for this blog is Select 'Add Content' on your My Yahoo page. Then select 'Add RSS by URL' and put the RSS URL in the box and press Add. Click the 'Add to My Yahoo' button. This puts a (as yet inoperable) link to your blog on your My Yahoo page. Of course, put a link to your homepage on your blog posting, but don't overdo it, or it might seem like spamming.

Lastly, you will need to ping Yahoo. Type the following address into your browser: blog address

Of course, replace 'your blog address' with the actual address of your blog. For this particular blog, this is what the preceding would look like:

Then repeat the process daily and each time you make a change to your blog.

With love in Christ, this Randy saying CIAO for now. Next time I'll detail how to add cool dynamic RSS feeds to your blog, such as the cycling headlines at the top of this page.

These are some links to my other sites. I think I put them on the right side of the page too but here they are again, just to make sure.

Kewel stuff featuring Cuddles the cockapoo

Quality Bibles for less! Plus many free scripture tools!

Everything you need for a perfect wedding! Invitations, rings, jewelry, and personalized wedding music!

Posted by Randy at 9:07 PM ADT
Updated: Sunday, 31 July 2005 9:25 PM ADT
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Thursday, 28 July 2005
How to get listed on MSN
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Hi All! So glad you stopped in! Hope you like the new news section at the top o' the page. Since I haven't had a lot of time to do the TRAIL, I've been working on advertizing my blog.

I managed to get listed on Yahoo in a couple of days - I'll share a step-by step method on how to do that in a future post, because getting listed on MSN is a bit less complex.

First off, you need to sign up for an MSN account.

Second, create a blog from one of the numerous providers. Obviously, I got mine from, but any will do.

Third, put some content on the blog. Dynamic content, such as with an RSS feed, like the biking feed on this page, is encouraged.

Fourth, go to Click on "Add content" and click on the "Search" tab. Then type the rss of your blog in the "Search for Content" box. Not sure about other blog providers, but with angelfire, the rss feed is the html address ending with /rss.xml. Then click the small arrow. You should receive a box with the title of your blog. Click the box and hit enter.

The link to your blog will appear on the left. It won't be available to click for a few days but then the spiders on MSN will access it and put it on MSN, along with links to any pages you put on your blog.

Check back later and I'll give you the scoop on getting listed on Yahoo, pinging your blog, and putting RSS feeds on your blog.

Posted by Randy at 10:08 AM ADT
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Sunday, 24 July 2005

Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Wedding
Now, the WIFE says "OOH, Honey, happy 35 mo-versary of our first date!" Arrgghhh!! as Charlie Brown used to say. Can't wait to get out on the TRAIL...maybe I can talk WIFE into tomorrow afternoon after church.

Posted by Randy at 1:07 AM ADT
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Saturday, 23 July 2005
The TRAIL is Winning!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Trail Happiness
Well, how's this for ya! The other day was the 30th-month "mo"-versary for the WIFE and I. And boy, was it a struggle!

I had to cajole her into taking a moonlight stroll with me, holding hands just like when we were dating. Then a night o'passion. All I heard from WIFE was "OH YOU'RE SOOO ROMANTIC" - never so much as a happy mo-versary or anything!

I asked WIFE about it the next day and she lamely responded "I didn't know what day it was" and pointed to her cell phone, which had a date on it 3 months in the future! The TRAIL is looking more and more promising all the time! For some odd reason, WIFE has been keeping my schedule so full I don't have time to ride.

Posted by Randy at 8:16 PM ADT
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