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Sunday, 24 July 2005

Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Wedding
Now, the WIFE says "OOH, Honey, happy 35 mo-versary of our first date!" Arrgghhh!! as Charlie Brown used to say. Can't wait to get out on the TRAIL...maybe I can talk WIFE into tomorrow afternoon after church.

Posted by Randy at 1:07 AM ADT
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Saturday, 23 July 2005
The TRAIL is Winning!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Trail Happiness
Well, how's this for ya! The other day was the 30th-month "mo"-versary for the WIFE and I. And boy, was it a struggle!

I had to cajole her into taking a moonlight stroll with me, holding hands just like when we were dating. Then a night o'passion. All I heard from WIFE was "OH YOU'RE SOOO ROMANTIC" - never so much as a happy mo-versary or anything!

I asked WIFE about it the next day and she lamely responded "I didn't know what day it was" and pointed to her cell phone, which had a date on it 3 months in the future! The TRAIL is looking more and more promising all the time! For some odd reason, WIFE has been keeping my schedule so full I don't have time to ride.

Posted by Randy at 8:16 PM ADT
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Sunday, 10 July 2005
Mood:  lyrical
Greetings and welcome to my new blog!

Let's talk about biking and marriage!

My name is Randy, happily married to my wife of 2 1/2 years, Julie. I love her dearly, but there's no denying that thrill of being on my dirtbike racing down the Pinellas Trail.

A few weeks ago I reached the beginning of the Trail. It was a little disappointing, because it just stopped at mile marker 0.

However, I noticed that there was a side path between mile markers 1 and 2, which I went on the next day. It was quite an adventure, as the main path of the Trail just stopped again, except this time there were "Trail ahead" signs that kept me going...and going...and going...

Needless to say, I'm still recuperating from my blisters.

Obviously, I need to watch myself. I can get so caught up in such a mindless task as finding the next "Trail ahead" sign that I lose touch not only with what is happening to my body but also to my relationship with my wife. She needs my time and attention, too. The real discipline in biking, I believe, is to know when to set your own limits.

Please post your own thoughts and insights, and check out the site associated with this blog, Perfect Wedding.

Ciao for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:56 PM ADT
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