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Sunday, 12 March 2006
Internet Marketing Secrets
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
What I'm sharing tonight are not really "secrets," per se, as much as oft-overlooked common-sense approaches. These tips come courtesy of Dennis Regling, Bella Online's Magic Editor.

Dennis states that, as we all know, the Internet can be a "wonderful sales and marketing tool."

Then he debunks the oft-believed myth of "Build it, and they will come." Just because you build a website and get a lot of hits, doesn't necessarily translate into a lot of profits. Many people sink a lot of money into buying hits, which is about as effective as "mass mailing your offer to everyone in the phone book."

Then Dennis writes, "You may use Google AdWords to generate hits only from those searching for your "key words." Unfortunately, unless your key words are very specific, you may be paying for hits from curiousity seekers. However, key words that are too specific will not generate leads."

Quite a conundrum, n'est-ce pas? Your business should be easily found by customers who are ready and willing to buy. A functional website with good navigation, some good meta-tags, search engine submission and pinging the major search engines make it a snap for people looking for your services to find you.

It is even better business to find qualified prospects, send them to your webpage and then stir them to action. Develop qualified relationships within your neighborhood and your business field.

CIAO for now,

Posted by Randy at 11:04 PM MNT
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006 - 4:52 PM MNT

Name: The Blogateer
Home Page:

I recently fell foul to search engine submission software that just bombed me with marketing email from about 5,000 people. The reason i did it was because the software in question was a well known one. So, The lesson here is, if your going to do search engine submission, do it manually, it pays off better.
Also, if you have a blog, you will find that by just registering your blog on, they will start to drive traffic to you within hours.
From starting my blog to submitting it to technorati, and getting my site pinged on, i had a comment within an hour!

Wednesday, 15 March 2006 - 7:17 PM MNT

Name: Randy
Home Page:

Thank you for the insightful comment, Blogateer! I've got pingomatic, along with king ping and {my favorite} pingoat on the side bar "The Daily Ping", so bookmark us for a quick link to those awesome pinging services! Also, don't forget about the Yahoo api:{address of your blog}. I updated my blog daily and then pinged each of these and was listed on all the major search engines {including Google} in a couple of weeks. Also, please subscribe to our newsletter. It's an autoresponder, so we won't even know your email or send you any email outside of the (usually) daily posting.

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