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Hello, my name is Michelle Thomsen. I was born in Denmark, and I moved to the US when I was 9. The last couple of years have been everything I though it would be, some times are hard, and some times are really hard. However, now a days things are getting easier because of all the friends I have made over the last couple of years. I owe a lot to my friends, and my mom. If it was not for all the people in my life, my day would be a lot worse. So if any of you who are reading this know that you make my day better (you know who you are) I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, everybody in this world needs somebody to lean on sometimes, and thank God I have you. I am a outgoing person if I should say so my self. I love music, and I love to write. I think writing is going to be a big part of my life someday. When I write it is as if I am away from all the troubles I have, away from all the pain or sadness I am facing at that moment. I am in my own little world, and I am happy. It is the same thing with music, some songs can make me happy, and some songs can make me cry.

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