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Wednesday, 21 September 2005
A Smile
Mood:  smelly
A smile costs nothing, but it creates much.
It enriches those who receive it,
without impoverishing those who give it.
It happens in a flash, and the memory of it may last forever.
None are so rich that they can get along without it,
and none so poor that they cannot be richer for its benefits.
It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in a business,
and is the countersign of friends.
It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad, and nature's best antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be begged, bought, borrowed, or stolen,
for it is something that is worth nothing to anyone until it is given away.
Nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give.

Posted by hiphop4/chocolate79 at 8:26 PM EDT
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Mood:  quizzical
There are so many words I cannot say,
When I look into your eyes.
I want to be able to tell you one day,
But I'm left speechless every time that I try.

You must have stumbled across the key,
And discovered so much more.
You found a hidden place in me,
You found my heart and opened the door.
And I cried in pain
Of losing my dear friend.

Will it ever be the same again?
If it passes will it be the end?
I realized it was worth so much,
As I lie in bed that night.
So I allowed my soul to be touched,
Without even putting up a fight.
Are my eyes deceiving me,
When I see you standing there?
Are you playing games,
Just to prove I care?

You speak my name in a prelude,
In a reference to love,
With such loving attitude,
As if it were a message from above.
With the palms of your hands
Pressed firmly against mine,
A white doves lands,
And the sun begins to shine.

Someday I will see,
Though that day has not come yet.
You'll say you love me,
But will you ever forget?
If that happens and my spirit dies,
If my emotions drop,
Will you want to hold me when I cry?
Or will the love just suddenly stop?
We can't expect to fall in love and never cry.

You'll stay and play your part,
But after the beauty starts to die,
Will your footprints still be on my heart?
Though it would be hard to say goodbye,
Your friend I'll always be,
As long as we always try,
To keep the friendship between you and me.

The letter I will not send
Will casually inquire,
How could you have brought it to an end?
I was your one desire.
After this life is over,
You’ll be one person I know I'll miss.

It'll be too late to start over,
And so I leave you with this...
I'll hold you for a lifetime,
If you'll just hold my hand.
We could have a wonderful time,
In the days we have not yet planned.

Posted by hiphop4/chocolate79 at 7:37 PM EDT
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I never knew there would be a better tomorrow
But you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow

My days of sadness are a thing of the past
Because I have found true love at last

My days of emptiness are gone for good
Because you fill a void in my heart that you should

You've opened a window
You've shown me the light
And my love for you
Will continue to burn bright.

Posted by hiphop4/chocolate79 at 7:31 PM EDT
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When You Love Someone
Mood:  happy
When you love someone so deep inside,
It seems like it's so easy to hide.
You've loved him for so very long,
You would think he could do no wrong.

Every day you would hope and pray,
That he would always stay this way.
He treated you like you should be treated,
You thought your life was finally completed.

You thought your love was growing true,
And then one day it was all so blue.
He started putting you down and it hurt,
You thought all you were to him was dirt.

He started ignoring you and you wondered why,
All you wanted to do was curl up and die.
You thought your relationship would never end,
But that was all so fake and pretend.

One night he was so sweet to you,
You thought all those things were maybe untrue,
Two days later he was back the same,
You thought you were the one to blame.

He thought the relationship was getting too serious
And that you had become a little too curious.
By this time you knew it wouldn't last,
All the nice things he said were in the past.

You thought that you would marry him some day,
But this time God wanted to get his way.
You wanted things back how they were before,
But you knew this couldn't happen anymore.

It was a Saturday night about ten o'clock,
You heard the news and it wasn't a shock.
You knew this was going to happen soon,
As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon.

Posted by hiphop4/chocolate79 at 7:22 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 September 2005
Mood:  quizzical
My Angel...
Where are you?
I'm lost, confused, alone...
I cannot see you...
There is darkness around me;
The fire has died, my light blown away
By an unwanted breeze...
I am wandering, going around and around
in circles...
Is there no end to this loneliness?

My Angel...
Where are you?
My heart is sad; it cannot hear your songs.
All I hear is the echo of your love,
Its melody fading...

Now there is only silence, maddening silence.
It is suffocating, draining my heart of your songs...
Is there no escape from this madness?

My Angel...
Where are you?
I am cold...
I cannot feel your wings around me,
Cannot feel your loving arms to embrace me...
There is only emptiness...
Emptiness that pulls, and pushes, and shoves...
The emptiness is within me, devouring me whole,
Leaving nothing left but an empty soul...
Where are you, my Angel? Come to me; fill me up with your love... Make me
whole again...
Do not leave me in this pit of despair...

My Angel...
Where are you?
I cannot see you, hear you, feel you...
Have you gone away from me? Have you taken away my heart...

... My Angel,

... where are you?

Posted by hiphop4/chocolate79 at 10:30 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 September 2005 7:24 PM EDT
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