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Project 2- Alim Kamat

Hey whats up everyone? I am Alim Kamat, about to be a 5th year senior at CSUN, just counting the days until I graduate. I am doing this website for my Marketing 346 Project 2. I was born in Norman, Oklahoma but been in Los Angeles since I was 5 and a half years old. Im a positive thinker that loves to laugh, crack jokes, and make people laugh. I got a huge passion for sports, video games, goin out, and just making the best out of life. Im taking three classes this summer session, and two of them happen to be marketing classes(Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior) with the same professor in Dr. Lammers. By the time, Im done with class this session, I'll have known Dr. Lammers inside and out because ive had him for three different classes(MKT 304, 346, and 348).

On this site, you will find

My Favorite Web Sites

NFL Quarterbacks Dendogram
Purchase Intention and Shape graph
My Resume
MKT346 Website(One of the Best Sites out there)
MKT348(One of the other best websites out there)
Best sports information
