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:: YoO Think yoO knO...B>

Member Since:

DiS SwEet MeXi

Age: 14 YeArS oN ThiS EarT


Single/But i Like YoO!

50/MeXi 50/WhytE

Washington, USA

EduCated 2 ThE 8Th GrAdE

Job Industry:

Job Function:


:: x SwEet LiL MeXi
UmM, I just made this page, so dont make fun! ** under construction **

«:Last touched:8//1//03
«:Made bY: Me..Ha thats why It SuX!
«:DeDiCateD tO: a Few PeOpLe
«:BeSt VieWeD: WhEn yoO PreSs F11.
«:Theme: BabyBloO n P!Nk
«:Song: Man! U think ive gotten that far?

[x] Whos that GirL? [x]

xname . Victoria aka CcSb
xEduCated up to . 8th grade
xAge . 14
xStatz . Single..loOkin..Wantin sum onee
xSex . uhh..FIGURE IT OUT!
xim LiviN iN . 3*6 uHoOh
xsChoOl SpiRit . FoR GaY C h i N o O k
xmY blOod is . MeXi

.* "i knO i Can" * ...
= Be What i WannA be? lol
= GrAduatE
= Be a GoOd FrienD
= be true tO my boO
= DanCe likE a White girl..HAHAH
= Fall iN love
= Kik it with My AzN BuDdieS
= Make ThiS Page Better.. LOL
= id Love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _forever if he`d onlee gimme that chance

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud, It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love doesnot delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
Italways protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

>> diD yoO knO? <<

xx I Thinks Haters r GAY
xx I am Kinda Bi**hy
xx P3opL3 Wh0 AlwAyZ Typ3 LyK DiSh ArE FaGz
xx I MighT Be AnNoyinG...but So Are yoO
xx ChEerlEaderS r HekkA TighT *WARRIORS*
xx WhEn i Say LOL, Im ActuAlly lAughinG
xx I hAve ThE Hugest CruSh oN AnThonY DaviD PennElla
xx Dude...LiZzie McguiRe Got Cancelled? WTF!
xx ValEntinEs Day ISh My FavoRite HoliDay
xx Those sugar cookies with pink frosting are freakin YUMMIE!
xx AA can be soo fukkin retarded!!!!!

...«FrienDs Are JuSt AngEls WhO Have Lost TheiR WingS«...


**...I CanT liVe WiThouT...**

++ Bubble tea..who could? ++ Hotties w/ Nice bodies.. ++ the colors pink, babyblue, and red ++ SavEunT SaN ++ My Best FrienD TiFfany Ann Fujii ++
Cap`n CrunCh Cereal..Mm Mm Good ++ GooD muSiC ++ LaughiN ++ SummEr Tyme ++ Late nighT Phone Calls++ HyPer Times At KB toys ^.^ ++
SchoOl DanCeS ++ AIM ++ Hangin Wid My FrenZ ++ orAngE JuliuS ++ CarAmeL FrAppeCino`s From StarbuCks ++
BreAkerS..Woo SEXY! ++ the fair ++ ShoPpin ++ ThAtYummiE Azn Food ++
MeXiCan FoOD ++ Family ++ LipGloSs ++ SanriO ++ Sugar cookies with PINK frosting ++

... JuST GeTAwAy!
xx _HATERS!_Hos_
ThOse Damn ConCeiTed PEoplE_Feelin LonelY_ WantiN SumONe i Cant Have_LiArs_ xx

...WhEre WouLd i Be Without yoO?
¤ »Tiffany Ann Fujii«
OMG....dang gurl. we are like..spaghetti n meatballs... x).
I can`t believe we ever didnt know eachother. Where would i be without you? Huh? WHERE? TELL ME NOW!
hahaha. but
seriously, you are exactly like me, onlee as an azn gurl. hehe.
We have a lot in common. plus we like folding socks together. You are ALWAYS
there fer me. even when im whining aboutsumthin gay Your like..
Yes victoria You`ll be okay.
And thats why i tinhk your such a good friend. I dont know Why Anyone would ever not wanna be just like you..
well actually i do but anywayz..
HAHAHAH. no jus jokin. You are SOoOo AWeSome!! always stay the same. dudes, this summer has sukked without you.
im like.. what if she comes bakk with a new best friend? or..
all conceited?AH! id die. but then i know your better than that! and you wouldnt desert me like that! righhht? * looks around * haha..
and remember.. DONT EVER TAKE MY DAMN COOKIES... dannie knows how mean i can be.. when you steal my cookies...from my cookie jar.
Yeah, we have had sum goodtimes your swimming pool. n At the mall. OH at Tacoma mall.
Except when Jazmin scared the *bleep* outta me.. that wasnt cool dudes. Umm.. I guess thats about it.
I Love you woman!<3
Cya soon! _+Victoria+_

.+* ThAt DonT ImpReSs me MuCh *+.

[T]When a Guy Thinks He is HekkA SeXy
[U]ThOse BoyS WhO are Like..SuCk My THAng..EW
[R]WhEn ThEy ThinK ThEy Love YoO AftEr 1 Week..PA-LAYZE!
[N]BoyZ WhU Dont SHoWer..OMG GROSS!
[O]When ThEy ThinK ThEy Can DanCe
[F]WhEn ThEy Ask yU ouT n ThEy Dont EvEn KNOW YoO!
[F]They Tell ALl Der FrienDs AbOUt What YOO GuyS dO
[S]Try n Be What ThEy RnT..DuDe--get Sum PErSonAliTy!

.+* Be my ValEntiNe *+.

[i]When They SmEll Good.. woo!
[L]If yOO Can Break DanCe...SCORE!
[O]YoO Are a Sweetheart..
[V]yOo remember my birthday :)
[E]NiCe BodieS are So niCe to TouCh
[Y]YoO Do ThingS W/ me AND your FrienDs So yOor not EmBArAssed to Kik it wit Me
[o]yOo knO hOW to Make Me Smile
[O]I Can B a ScruB Around YoO n yOOr like Hey SeXy!

ONce UpoN A time, It HappEned tO me, it Was The SwEetest ThinG thAt CouLd Ever Be, It Was The DaY YoO SeD HelLo tOMe..

... ALL thingS come to An End ...