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Match 1:
Lita Vs. Trish
Stipulation: Womenz Championship

Match 2:
Carmella Vs. Christian
Stipulation: Cage Match

Match 3:
Chris Jericho Vs. Ric Flair
Stipulation: Single

Match 4:

Danielle Phillips vs. Star McMahon
Stipulaton: #1 Contendership for the Womanz Championship!

Matt "The Killa Boy" Bowers vs. Shawn "The Dominate Player" Marks
Undisputed Championship
Guest Referee: CEO SUMMER BLAIR!

Results for 1/20/05

. : W O M E N Z C H A M P I O N S H I P : .

.: Lita vs. Trish :.

The show begins after the Smackdown opening where Lita's music hits the P.A. system. The "Queen of Extreme" walks out on the ramp taunting the crowd as she runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. She begins jumping around as the lights go black and Trish Stratus' music hits the sound system. The diva comes walking down the ramp and enters the ring when the referee rings the bell.

Trish takes no time in starting the match. She runs in, attacking Lita and sending her down with a powerful punch. She then takes this opportunity and jumps on Lita, begging to punch her relentlessly as the referee struggles to pull the divas apart. Finally Lita hits and upper cut sending Trish to the matt. Lita then gets up and begins stomping Trish's face into the matt as blood begins rushing. She then picks the diva up and sets her up for the Twist of Fate but Trish counters and bulldogs Lita making a crashing sound, too horrific to imagine. Trish feeling she has the match in the bag covers Lita


Lita begins to roll over as Trish angrily begins stopping her into the matt giving her no sign of relent. Finally Trish gives up and exits the ring grabbing a chair. She rolls back in ready to hit Lita when "Fighter," Ryan's theme, hits the system. Trish drops the chair and waits for Ryan to come out when she pulls a no show. Trish gets really pissed and turns around to take her anger out on Lita when out of no where Lita kicks Trish in the stomach and hits a Twist of Fate sending Trish Stratus into a crashing neck breaking landing. Lita quickly covers as the referee begins to count.


Announcer: Your winner and the first ever WWE Women's Champion of the World ... LITA!

Lita begins screaming and jumping around as Ryan Hunter leaps from the crowd and slides into the ring. She grabs Lita's hand and holds it in the air as Lita begins jumping around, taunting the fans, as the show fades away to a commercial break.

. : C O M M E R C I A L : .

. : C A G E M A T C H : .

.: Christian vs. Carmella :.

The show comes back from the commercial break when Carmella's music hits the P.A. System. Carmella then comes walking out trembling as she sees the cage high in the air. She enters the ring almost in the verge of tears as the cage begins to lower around her. She starts shaking the cage when she's over come from the power of the steel as Christian's music hits the P.A. System. Christian gives a cocky smile as he comes walking down to the ring accompanied by his manager, the chairman of the board, Kimberly Monroe. The referee opens the door letting Christian in as Kim walks around the cage and takes a seat at the announcers table where Tazz and Cole both welcome their boss.

Tazz:we are being Joined By Kim for this headlining match tonight.

Cole: I think we've figured that out already!

Kim: Oh boys, can we please watch the match? I would be a ringside right now, but Christian told me to stay away from this one. So I had no alternative to sit with you. The least you can do is do your job and leave me out of it, Okay? Okay!

The bell sounds as Carmella moves in and begins attacking Christian with all her might as he slightly pushes her back sending her falling to the ground. He begins to laugh as the crowd boos him on for pushing a woman. He keeps repeating that Summer put him up to it as he moves in and picks Carmella up. He Irish whips her into the ropes and on her way back he scoop slams her on to the matt. He begins whipping his head taunting that he's actually breaking a sweat so far in the match. Carmella slowly gets back up holding her back in pain as he pushes her down again. Out of no where Carmella gets the strength to get right back up and clothes lines Christian with all of her might sending him flat down on the matt. She jumps with excitement as she begins crawling up the cage. Christian then quickly jumps to his feet and begins laughing at the ecstatic Carmella as he grabs her foot and pulls her down sending her flying into the matt. Kim then walks away from the announcers table and repeatedly screams "Finish Her!" Christian smirks as he picks Carmella up and turns her around grabbing her arms tight and hard as the crowd hears her scream for mercy. He then spins her around and hits an unprettier sending her to the matt, taking her lights out. Christian then walks away from the unconscious Carmella as he orders the referee to open the cage door. He exits the ring to where Kim is waiting for him outside as the bell rings.

Announcer: Here is your winner, CHRISTIAN!

Christian and Kim celebrate outside of the ring and disapear into the backstage area.

. : S I N G L E S : .

.: Ric Flair vs. Chris Jericho : .

Neither wrestler role-played, this is a warning against Ric Flair and Chris Jericho as well as being removed from the roster.

. : C O N T E N D E R S : .

.: Danielle Phillips vs. Star McMahon :.

Danielle Phillips Music hits as she walks out to the ring. Then Star McMahon’s Music hits as she enters the Ring. Both Women Lock up as Star gets the upper Hand at the Beginning of the Match. She keeps Danielle Grounded for most of the match and goes for her fisher and misses it and hits the turnbuckle. Danielle then takes advantage and works on the Injured Shoulder of Star. Danielle works on the injured shoulder and continues to further do damage to Star . She then goes for her fisher and hits it and goes for the cover 1-2-3.

Winner and Number 1 contender Danielle Phillips.

. : U N D I S P U T E D C H A M P I O N S H I P : .

.: Shawn Marks vs. Matt Bowers :.

The crowd goes wild as Shawn Marks' music hits the P.A. System. Shawn slowly comes walking out from the back and down the ramp. He enters the ring taunting the crowd as Matt Bowers music hits and he too comes walking down the ramp and enters the ring. The two men begin calling one another names as they prepare to move in for the kill when out of nowhere "Genie In a Bottle" hits the Sound System and the WWE CEO Summer "The Bitch" Blair comes walking out in a referee T-shirt as Bowers shows a pissed look. She smiles as she begins skipping down the ramp as the crowd laughs at Matt. Summer walks up the stairs and enters the ring in her famous way. She then sounds for the bell to get this match underway.

Matt Bowers starts the match up as he locks up with Shawn Marks. The two struggle as Bowers kicks Marks in the ribs and pushes him down to the matt and begins laughing. Shawn gets really pissed and comes charging at Bowers but instincts get the best of him and Matt Bowers moves making Shawn run neck first into the turnbuckle. Summer shows a bored look on her face as she begins to stretch. Matt Bowers looks at her in a cocky look as Shawn Marks runs behind him giving a massive blow to the back of Bowers' Knee sending him down to the ground. The two men begin to roll around as Shawn Marks gets the upper hand and begins pounding Bowers' face rapidly into the matt. He tries to break free but Marks doesn't let up. The whole time as Matt begins to bleed relentlessly Summer Blair is staring at the crowd waving at them as they tell her to turn around. Shawn quits and Summer turns around seeing nothing but a bloodied Matt Bowers. The dazed wrestler tries to get up when Ryan Hunter runs into the ring. Summer smiles as she acts like she trips and plays possum as Ryan runs at Bowers hitting a New Wave. She then exits the ring and runs backstage. Summer gets back up and notices Bowers on the ground as Shawn Marks lifts him back up and hits an unleasher covering him for the pin. Summer begins to count.


Summer Blair lifts Shawn Marks' hand in the air in victory at the announcer claims Marks as the first ever WWE Undisputed Champion. They begin celebrating as Marks lifts Summer Blair on his shoulders and the show fades away, going off air to the millions of cheers.

© 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This Layout Was Created AND COPYRITED By Summer "The Bitch" Blair. All Rights Are Reserved!

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