!DrInKIn SmOkIN StrAiGhT WeSt CoStIn! ! StRaIgHt ThuGiN !
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! StRaIgHt ThuGiN !


! XaNgUrr !
! CooL HtMl StUff !

Im JUsT LuViN AnD StRaIt ThuGiN I LoVe MaH BaBy GuRL 2 PaC HeLpEd Me THrOuGh HaRd TiMe He ReAllY UnDeRsTaNdS wUt I Go ThRoUgH So DoEs Mah BaBe KiM i really lke mah life well not that much but its ok ...at least i go 2 skoo and like ya hab fwendz like kim theresa and them they all koo..they wut makes me keep on going (oHH yA MaRtIn IsMaH BesT FwEnD)LikE ItS REaLly HaRd 2 LiVe So It MuSt B ReAllY E_Z 2 DiE....i aint scared 2 kill a man im scared that wen i kill a man god wont understan i got a mind full of evil though i dont praise saiten but like ya 55o cen is kewl 2 he like helps me out... ThUgLiFe !!

ThIs HaS BiN A D-LuX PrOdUcKtIoN1