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Top threeThings I want

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If you are really bored, go to this site it helps a bunch! and be sure to try isketch! it's way awsome!

image2 = new Image(); // Place your first image within the // quotation marks on the line below. image2.src = "/doc/scriptlib/mouse_off2.gif"; image2on = new Image(); // Place your second image within the // quotation marks on the line below. image2on.src = "/doc/scriptlib/mouse_on2.gif" function on3(name) { document[name].src = eval(name + "on.src"); } function off3(name) { document[name].src = eval(name + ".src"); } n3 = true; function on(name) { if (n3) on3(name); } function off(name) { if (n3) off3(name); }
