from the bottom of my heart....

+ jamie +

+ rayson + brother brother~~~wonder how would i have SURVIVED in class without you joking around, giving me ideas and advices..~~~heh..thank you so much for the patience and tolerance you've given me and also the times when you stood by me.You know i will be there when you need a pair of listening ears! *Love ya*

+ meiyi + meiyiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~*ShuT up*..i will always remember this phrase..its our trademark..gonna miss you and your company in class.dunno whether we will still be in the same class luck for your future endeavours! *miss ya*

+ joyce + Ice Queen!!will miss you babe~ Dont think we will be in the same class anymore..never regret knowing you..keep in contact! *hugz*

+ sharmila + Lala..going to miss you too.miss the times we gossips in your place..keep in contact yar? *hugz*

+ classmates in mdis + woohoo~hope that all of us wll be in the same class for the next module..really enjoyed being your classmate.Although there are times we quarrelled, we are still the DMCD2 0325A students forever!

+ maggie, karen, eveline, jacelyn and friends + my! my! tension freaks! energy freaks! a-do freaks! never seen people so crazy over idols! continue to keep this spirit up for chasing idols! *cheers*

+ zirong, yak ngee, winnie, thomas and friends + miss you guys alot! hope to see you guys real soon yeah?

+ to the friends i know + matthew, gerard, brendan, jude, sharon, tinwai, ching ching, vanessa, weizi, serene, joanne, josephine, julia, huixian, joy, koon ling, meizhen,alicia, carolene, guanz, edz, eugene, carol, fung, nicholas,kenneth, nelson, sean, david, shaun jeremy, shohakin, razaq, afuq, fdr, mr reef shaun,chris, jay, benny, daniel, brandon kam, jave, yong meng, lester, melody, jacqueline, wee chong, casin, micky, arthur, joseph, sherman, nick chua, josiah, stella : good luck in your studies and everything you do!

+ ex-collegues in esprit + miss working with you guys! i will never forget the times we gossips and work together! hope that i will work with you guys again! good luck!

+ my two wonderful sisters+ thank you so much for helping this computer idiot to do this web! without the 2 of you, i guess my webby will never be done!love ya lots!