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sEcReT's PaGe

YO!!! HELLLLOOOO WORLD!!!!! this is ma first page and i am going to be doing sum big tings on it.
....and for all dem haters
haters beware!!


high school is full of cliques....

......and more cliques

Halloween!! are you going out trick or treating???? or are you afraid? muhahahaha!!! okay i'll shut up now.

pretty in PINK!!
Even though summer is over I guess you can still wear your bikini...for swimming lessons!

read this READ THIS!!!read this
Books I've read and liked

  • Forever By: Judy Blume
  • Any Harry Potter Books By: J. K. Rowling
  • Any Princess Diaries Books (Don't let the name fool you!!) By: Meg Cabot
  • Go Ask Alice (This is a GOOD book!) By: Anonymous

Movies I've seen and liked
  • 28 Days Later
  • The Ring
  • A Walk to Remember (a real tear-jerker)
  • Bad Boys 2
  • American Pie 1,2 & 3
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Hunchback of Notre Dame (I love Disney movies!)

gimme a shout out or type your stuff in my G-bOoKiE!!!!
cute bouncy blob

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Officially Missing You by: Tamia
Courtesy of 1spock

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if YOU got any good suggestions to make my page better then email me thanx!!!


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last updated 10/04/03