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My Favorite Web Sites

MaMaCiTa (mY oTHeR SiTe)
SwEeTNeSs (LauRaS SiTe)
GoSsiP QuEeNs (MiNe n LauRaS SiTe)
MaNdYViLLe (MaNdYs SiTe)
SuGgA BuNniE (SaRaS SiTe)
MidNiGhT MaDnEsS (SaRaHs SiTe)
PiMpCeSs (KRiSTiNs SiTe)
FurY UnLeAsHeD (LeXiS SiTe)
SoNgS FoR ThA GurLz
SoNgS FoR ThA GuYz
SuMThinG CuTe

ok this is yet another site, brought to u by none other than mE; MarY. In chat, i'm known as cutiepie03, cutie, qt, cp,keWw TeAa, etc., etc. What else can I SaY about myself, LoL, u Gurls n GuYs are like my sis's n bro's, u kno more about me prolly than i know about myself. And Your aLWaYs there 2 help me through EverYThiNg!! I'm greatful beyond words, TY sO MuCh! I dun think I could be any happier than I am Now. I'm SiNgLe and lovin every dayum minute of it!! LoL hey,that means i get to flirt more hehe =P , I have the bestest friends (off n on line) that anyone could ask for, I got mah WiFeYs/GoSsiP QuEeNz/, everything's aLL GoOd. ThIs Site will be something different as soon as i find other things to add to it lol other than just pics and stuff.k, imma start workin on this now lol if u have any ideas feel free to email me or tag the tagboard n tell Me!

