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Niki's Page

I want people to know my story and know what it's like to have the 'cancer experience.' I hope to offer other teens suffering from cancer hope, and support. Few travel this journey...and few recieve the growth in character, courage, and love for life that something like cancer can give you. I cannot even begin to explain how much love I have for the friend's I have gained through this experience. My 'cancer-fied' friends and I have the strongest bond of friendship I have ever experienced. It is truly something special and rare, and something I will never lose or forget. Few teens experience this, and few teens understand what it's like. There is something amazing in being able to talk to someone and know that they really do understand when they say "I know what you're going through." A lot of people say that cancer happens to really good people, and I now agree with that. My friends are wonderful, amazing, special people, and we will NEVER be torn apart, ever. When your friends stand around your bed and hold your hand when you're too weak to even speak, that, is true friendship and dedication. I believe God put angels here on earth, and I call them My best friends. The main point of this site is to show and demonstrate one idea that has always been a part of my life but never clearly visible until now. I AM empowered by God fragile strong capable of love weak hopeful still learning fearful and most of all I AM A FIGHTER NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!

This site is about my battle with Lymphoma, and a brain tumor called a Glioblastoma Multiforme

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