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Welcome To The Sonic Comics Cosmic Interstate!


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9/19/05 Wow not much has gone on with this site lately but i have been trying to squeeze it in along with all my other activities. As of right now up to #27 is uploaded, but now since i have hi speed internet, i plan to have up to at least 50 uploaded and paged. The pages for 11-14 have been added and i am doing the pages for 15-20 as we speak! Lots more to come, i might do a seperate site for the specials and mini-series if i can, otherwise i'll incorporate them into this one...Enjoy!~Nate**********************************************************************************************1/25/05 OK i finally did an update! I've been really busy with school and work and havent had time to do much of anything!! So I have now uploaded up to issue 25, but only 13's page is up right now...will be adding more pages as i can finish them...the thing that really holds me up is making the pages. Enjoy! ~Nate ********************************************************************************************** 11/18/04: Yesterday I uploaded #'s 8-13, as of right now, only #8's page is up. I work long today so I will try to finish the rest of the pages later tonite. Enjoy, all of you that visit my site are getting exclusives you literally can't buy anywhere else (except on ebay but those prices can get really steep really fast!!!) ~Nate ********************************************************************************************** 11/16/04: Now issue 3 is up, and I have up to #7 uploaded. I am trying my hardest to get the pages set up around my busy work and home schedule, so be patient! By the end of the night, the pages for 1-7 should be up and I hope to have up to #13 uploaded by the evening of tomorrow! Stay tuned! ~Nate----------------EDIT: The first 7 are up now!! ENJOY! ********************************************************************************************** 11/15/04: Well, I now have all of the first 5 issues uploaded, I just need to create the pages for them. You can only get issues 1 and 2 as of right now. So if a link doesnt work, just know that I'm creating the page for it. I plan to get the next 5 up tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes! All links work now, so be sure to check them out, and stay tuned as things will be getting a lot better! ********************************************************************************************** 11/13/04: Site officially opened! No scans or reviews yet, and no links work as of right now, but when i get everything in order, i will update the site! Issues 1-5 of the regular series should be up by Monday, and reviews of 142 will be up shortly...Thanx for stopping by!