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*~*Website Book Report by Paula*~* #26

Hi. I am Paula S. #26 Cryptics. For my book report I did The Dollhouse Murders. The purpose of this website is to tell you some things about the book The Dollhouse Murders. This book has won numerous awards and has been published in dozens of languages and a dramatic version was released several years ago. On this website you will learn about the author, the characters, the plot, and you will get a quiz, with the answers included. Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Authors's Page- The author of my book was Betty Ren Wright. She is an enthusiastic grandmother. She lives in Racine, Wisconsin with her husband George Fredericksen. He is a painter. They got married in 1976. They have one dog, named Gracie, and one cat, named Nougat. Wright has loved writing ever since she was eight years old. The Dollhouse Murders received the Iowa Children's Choice award for 1988. There were more than 28,000 voters that took part in the voting. She also received the Mark Twain Award and Young Readers Award. Last she got the Rebecca Caudill Awards. She received many more awards though. Her exact age is unknown. For many years she was a children's book editor with Western Publishing; during that time she wrote the texts for a number of picture-storybooks. She also published adult short fiction in a wide variety of magazines. In 1976, she left editing to concentrate on writing novels for boys and girls. She has written many books. Here is a list of books she has read. ******** I Want to Read (1965), Getting Rid of Marjorie (1981) , I Like Being Alone (1981) , Roger's Upside-Down Day (19,81) The Time Machine (1981) , The Secret Window (1982) , The Dollhouse Murders (1983), Ghosts Beneath Our Feet (1984), Christina's Ghost (1985) , The Summer of Mrs. MacGregor (1986), A Ghost in the Window (1987), The Pike River Phantom (1988), Rosie and the Dance of the Dinosaurs (1989), The Ghost of Ernie P. (1990) , A Ghost in the House (1991) , The Midnight Mystery (1991) , The Scariest Night (1991) , The Ghost of Popcorn Hill (1993), The Ghost Witch (1993) , The Ghosts of Mercy Manor (1993), The Ghost Comes Calling (1994) , Out of the Dark (1994) , Nothing But Trouble (1995), Haunted Summer (1996) , The Ghost in Room 11 (1997), Too Many Secrets (1997) , A Ghost in the Family (1998), The Phantom of Five Chimneys (1998) , The Moonlight Man (1999) , Pet Detectives (1999) , The Wish Master (2000) , Crandall's Castle (2003), The Blizzard (2003), *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Character Page There are many characters in my book. Here are the main characters. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The main character is Amy Treloar. She thinks that her life sucks because she always has to watch her sister. She hardly has any friends because of her sister. She gets in a big fight with her mom, over always having to watch her sister, and gets very upset and runs away to her Aunt Clare's house. Later she gets permission from her parents to stay with her aunt for a week or so. This was where she found the dollhouse, up in the attic. Amy is very brave, because she goes up into the attic to look at the dollhouse even when she knew that they could somehow move by themselves. She is also very respectful. She respects and understands her sister and her problems. Like when they were at the mall and her sister pulled out the flowers from the plant at the plant store. Amy knew that she didn't know any better and respected that her sister was like that and couldn't help the way she is. Plus she is honest because she was telling ythe truth when she told her aunt that she never moved the dolls in the dollhouse. And last she is kind, because she is always trying to help when ever she has a chance to. Like helping her aunt find out who murdered her grandparents. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Another major character is Louann Treloar. She is Amy's brain damaged sister. Even though she is 11 she acts like she is 5. She is very stubborn and hard to put up with. While Amy is away at their aunts house, Louann goes to her neighbors house after school until her mom gets home. Her neigbors daughter is also brain damaged. Later, during Amy's birthday party at Aunt Clare's house, their mom has to go out of town. Louann is forced to go to Amy's party and stay at Clares house for a couple of days. That is when Louann finds out about the dollhouse. She helps a little to solve the case of who murdered thier grandparents. Louann is responsible when she sets her mind to something. For example, when she was looking for a letter that was put inside of one of dozens of books she was responsible enough to do that job without getting distracted. She is also cooaporative, like when she gets along with Amy's friends at her party. She also gets along with Amy eventually. Last she is tolerent. She listens to her parents when she wants to. Sometimes she throws tantrums, but she can't help that. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The last major character is Aunt Clare, Amy's aunt. Clare's parents were murdered and the police never found out who did it. For about 50 years clare had felt guilty, because she thought that it was her fiance that murdered them. Noone could be sure because he had died that night. He was drunk and driving and drove into a pole. Clare later moved out of Claiborne to Chicago. Now she is back at that old house where her parents were murdered, getting rid of some of the things inside. Then Amy comes to visit for a while and uncovers the dollhouse. Clare is kind, because she lets Amy stay with her and even lets her have a birthday party there. Also she is honest. She told Amy when she thought Amy was telling lies and what she thought when Amy told her friends about the murder. Last she is cooaporate, like when she cooaporated with Amy and Louann to find out who murdered their grandparents. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Plot Amy was tired of always having to watch her retarded sister, Louann. She decides to visit with her Aunt Clare. There hidden away in she attic Amy uncovers a mysterious dollhouse. It was an exact duplicate of the house but smaller. It even had Clares family with it, Clare, Amy's dad, and grandma and grandpa Treloar. One time that Amy was in the attic the dolls had somehow been moved to the exact place in the house that her grandparents were murdered. Each time Amy went to look at the dollhouse the dolls had been moved. One night she saw the dolls move like how they were murdered. The grandpa had been shot while they were in bed while the grandma ran to Amy's dads room. She got him out of bed while he was asleep and put him in the closet. He was only six then. Then she ran to the parlor and put the desk behind the door. The killer was to strong though and had pushed through the door. That is what Amy saw happen in the dollhouse exept while she was in the parlor she went to the bookshelve and all the books started falling off. Amy toled Aunt Clare about this and together they decided that maybe there grandma trelor had wrote the name of the killer and put it behind a book. Together Amy, Clare, and Louann checked behing all the books. Nothing there. Then they thought maybe it was inside one of the books. They looked through all the books and there it was, a letter written in grandma Treloars handwriting. It said who had killed Amy's grandparents. You will have to read the book for yourself if you want to find out what the letter said. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~Quiz *****1. How many sisters does Amy have? ~~~~~2. Why is Louann act different? *****3. Where does Amy live? ~~~~~4. Where does Aunt Clare live? *****5. Where did Amy fine the Dollhouse? ~~~~~6. Why do you think Aunt Clare and Amy's mom don't quit get along with eachother? *****7. Why doesn't Clare stay in Claiborne? ~~~~~8. Why do you think that aunt Clare thinks that her fiance murdered her grandparents? *****9. How do you think amy felt every time she saw the dolls move, and why do you think she kept going back to look? ~~~~~10. How did Amy know where to look to find out how her grandparents died? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****1. Amy has one sister. ~~~~~2. Louann is brain damaged. *****3. Amy lives in Claiborne. ~~~~~4. Aunt clare lives in Chicago. *****5. The dollhouse was at aunt Clares house, in the attic. ~~~~~6. They don't get along because Amy's mom thinks that Louann should always be in her sight and never can do anything on her own, while aunt Clare thinks that it will be good for her and help her with her problems. *****7. Clare doesn't stay in Claiborne because she is too scared to be anywhere near that city because of what had happened with the murders. There was just to many painful memories and so much greif. ~~~~~8. Clare thinks her fiance murdered her parents because drunk and always crazy when he gets mad and he was especially mad since clare's parents disapproved of him. *****9. Amy felt very frightened abd that everything was a dream that she would wake up from, and she kept going back because she knew the dolls were trying to tell her something and she had to find out what. ~~~~~10. Because her grandma was murdered in the parlor, so she knew there must must be a clue there. Then when she thought about the books falling down she knew it must have to do with the books. Last she guessed that there was a note or a letter either behind or in the books, and it was in one of the books.