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Saturday, May 10, 2003

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

( okaY <--dai )

[1]. >doG wAkE mEEh uP eArli dO i tAkE hEr tO dA baFfRoOm
[2]. >wAtcH LiL teE bEe
[3]. >gOoH bAcC tuH sLeEP

[1]. >yuMmM..fRieD riCe
[2]. >cLeAn maiseLf uP
[3]. >gOoH tuH duH baNk
[4]. >geT suM iCe crEam

[1]. >hA!r cuT
[2]. >geT KFC fO diNnEr
[3]. >cuM hoMe nD' sHowuH

[1]. >cHat oNliNe
[2]. >foNe yO!
[3]. >wOrk oN pAygEz
[4]. >eAt KFC
[5]. >wAtcH goLdmeMbeR fO da 100th tyMe

todai was ok. mai dad is coming back on thursday though. damn! haha sumwun slashed his tires. thats funni but sad cuz we gotz tuh pay fo it. i worked on summore payges and im bout tuh do britnee's. iT gunna look mad koo. weLL i gotz tuh go get started. errywuN sAy WUN so ima say. *69*

Sunday, April 13, 2003

( bOriN buT iT aLL gOOd <--dai )

[1]. >dAyuM ! wAs tiRed

[1]. >eAt pAncAkeS stAke riCe nd egGs
[2]. >mOm lEft wHiLe i wEnT oN coMp
[3]. >cHat oNLinE
[4]. >wOrk oN mOrE pAygEz
[5]. >foNe!

[1]. >oNliNe yO!
[2]. >eAt suM fOod frUm fLip bAkeRy
[3]. >cLeAn LiL biT
[4]. >eAt Lil snaCc
[5]. >mEeH nd' cuZ heLp uNcLe oUtsiDe

[1]. >wAtcH 2 cAn pLay dAt gaMe fO duH 3rd tyMe. fuNNi moOviE!!
[2]. >spAghEtTi yO!!
[3]. >bEeH bLoGgiN

todai waS bOriN. nuTTin sPeshuL. nuTTin bAd thOugH. vEry lAzy day. i wOke uP at 12 30. i weNt tuH beD at 5 sO yAa...haha. i wOrkieD oN LauRenS siTe yeSterDay. ya'LL nEeDa cHeck iT oUt! iT mAd kOoOL. weLL iMa gO tAke suM quiZZes so yaA...pAycE!

Friday, April 11, 2003

( k!nda sukKi <--april 10 )


[1]. >styLL slEepiN!!!

[1]. >tOk tO giNa!
[2]. >clEaN!
[3]. >dO nuFfin
[4]. >wAtcH tEe beE

[1]. >clEaN suMmoRe
[2]. >hElp mai dAd pAck fO sAn fRaN
[3]. >gO oNliNe

[1]. > diD lauNdrY
[2]. >tOk oN foNe...haha aLdr!n, giNa, rOcheLLe
[3]. >tAg diS uP
[4]. >bRowSe xaNgErZ.

toDai wAs nOt kOo. mai dAd caMe baCc nd' baK i weNt tuH cleAniN nd' geTTin yeLLed aT. oH weLL. hEe goNe nOw! yEsS! wuN hoLe wEeK!!! beTtEr betTeR! aiGhT iMa gO nd' eEeT suM iCe crEaM! LaY lAyTeZ!  

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