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bunch of gay ppl*sigh*
2003-01-18- 9:56pm

today i went 2 da gay curch again 4 volunteer *sigh*,so so sad that i have 2 work there,but i kinda have 2,cuz is 4 mah high skool. so many gay ppl there,lol me n bin is like laughin at them so badly,lol all da gay ppl wit da gay hairstyl,ew,n they talk so gay,o god they like 2 say"awesome" alotz,*sigh* bunch of retard,well i'm retard too n *cough* paula *cough* too. last past two dayz i have been watchin a movie,omg is so so sad at da end,the gurl dead,:'( ,god i can think of anything rite now cuz i'm so so hungay!!! :'( I WANT FOOD!!! strike strike strike! lol

2004-02-17 hey ppl,is me again,i'm so bored!!! thats y i came here n say sumthin about mah boring life,if u wannna hear....fyne w/ me! kk n e wayz wow 2day is so bored 4 me,cuz i didnt go shoppin jenny 2day,we waz suppose 2 but her mom said she cant her mom neva let her go anywhere,da only 2 time she been out is bcuz she lied 2 her mom. *sign* thanx god my mom aint contorl me,she let me go almost anywhere!!:D yup i think i should b glad:P gosh i have 2 much hw !!! n i didnt finsh mah novel study,i'm jus gunna say i didnt get da sheet:P o yea i' gunna go get mah teeth check next week,hopy i dont have 2 clean it wit da thing,o gosh it hurt so much!!! I H8 THAT!! lol i'm gunna go shoppin again w/ jen tomorrow after skool, but b4 that i have 2 go do mah stupid bopz thingy, geez i'm failin band but who karez,i h8 it n e way plus i'm not guna take band next year in high skool n e way but still if mah mom c da mark shes gunna bitch @ me!!! aaahh nnoo!!! so i still have 2 pass,at least i have 2 get like 65 or 70. so so bored rite now!!! god this is not good,paula is gone now mah life is bored as hell!!! i guess i still need sum retardz 2 keep me happy n hyper n retard:P:P tomorrow is gunna b a borin day alrite! frist we have readin then math,fs,fs lunch(hopefully we'll have sum fun) then we have french science french n hr!! hopfully we dont have da test this weeek cuz mhriban told me we have it but i dont trust her:P kk g2g now gosh mah mood is gettin even wroest than b4:@:@:@:@ SO BORED!! k g2g ppl later n peace

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